Raging LibTarg

@Raging LibTarg@lemmy.world
11 Post – 132 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Political junkie. Hater of injustice. Fighter for democracy. Veteran of the Dark Brandon 3rd Keyboard Regiment.

kbin: @acronymesis@kbin.social

Mastodon: @Acronymesis@mastodon.world

A Supreme Court Justice saying/believing something this fundamentally incorrect about the expectations of their job should be disqualifying.


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"We’ll have fun on the stand with all of these people that say the Presidential Election wasn’t Rigged and Stollen [sic],” Trump posted, adding an all-caps claim it’ll be “THE TRIAL OF THE CENTURY!!!”

When we were told as youngsters that "any one of you could be the president of the United States!", I never imagined it could be interpreted as a warning rather than something meant to motivate young minds. 🤦🏽‍♂️

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To any “patriot” who would tell these young folks to just leave the United States, I’d like to submit a preemptive YOU are the one’s who should be getting the fuck out. YOU are the ones who are un-American, YOU are the ones supporting a traitor to our country, and YOU are the ones fucking it up for everyone else by voting against not just your interests, but our interests as the not billionaire class. Hopefully, enough youth in this can be motivated to make us something to be proud of, rather than an embarrassment.

I'll also add a preemptive "I have no fucks to give" to anyone who wants to try and shame me for not playing nice with these "patriots". I definitely spend quite a bit of time trying to understand these people, but only in the hopes that a method to marginalize racists/traitors/bigots can be developed. You want to try to figure out how to "work with" these people, go right ahead. Not going to waste my time.

Signed: One pissed off veteran.

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Noticing a lot of people on Lemmy scoffing at this development, which I suppose is their right. But you know what? I see this as a real win; Trump Org no longer being able to operate in NY is a big fucking deal.

Yes, he’ll likely make up the difference through donations from his rabid base. No, they won’t know about it because the right wing disinfo machine won’t tell them.

So what? It’s a fucking win, nonetheless. It ain’t shooting him and his ill gotten gains into the sun, but it is very well the first of a series of deathblows.

Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good, and all that.

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Jesus fuck, I’m so glad someone else is panicking about their plans. Not too long ago, I finally realized the whole idea of these shitty laws being enacted in red states is a strategy to chase lefties out so that they control enough states to start a constitutional convention.

We fucking should be panicking, this is insane!!!

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So, anyone else wonder if the plan for Republican controlled states here is to chase all of the left leaning people out, bolstering their majority stranglehold in certain states and sacrificing things like talented doctors/nurses/teachers/etc. for an electoral college advantage? Literal tyranny of the minority? Hmm?

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Say it with me, everybody:

If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism; they will reject democracy.

-David Frum-

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After telling a friend of mine about the Mitch McConnell incident yesterday, and he replied, “Him and (Diane) Feinstein gonna get a little cabin together and just see out their years on the porch?

This gave me an idea. I had my other buddy who frequents Midjourney prompt it with “Mitch McConnell and Dianne Feinstein sitting on a cabin porch on a couple of rocking chairs staring out into the sunset”

The result? Perfection.

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This reminds me of my ex, who stated "I HATE Wikipedia" because "it looks dumb" when I mentioned it in passing.

She really earned that "ex" title...

This is great news, but forgive me if DeJoy still gets the stink eye from me due to the shenanigans with the mail sorting machines during the 2020 election.

Anybody else catch this opinion article The Hill posted the other day? Truly fucking incredible how Republicans will lie right to our faces about what their stances are on abortion.

First it was “states rights”, which was immediately followed by “time for a nationwide ban” after Dobbs.
 When it actually came time for states rights on abortion, it was immediately followed by “we’re gonna do everything we can to stop this” when they lost on it.
 Now they want to try to downplay what they really mean by “abortion restrictions” when everyone can plainly see their actions belie their words.
 They really think we’re fucking dumb, don’t they?

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As a person of color, I wish I could say I had the self control not to let this rhetoric that slavery had benefit to anyone but the slave owners get to me. It is absolutely infuriating that anyone would suggest such abject fucking garbage, and anyone who thinks there's a bright side to owning other people can get entirely fucked.

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Just our court system ruling for fascism, nothing to see here folks.

I mean, I’m no lawyer, but the idea that only the DOJ has standing when gerrymandering has an actual, tangible effect on individual voters seems absurd on its face.

There sure is a lot of shit out there that seems to expose kids to lead. If there were ever a conspiracy that I could believe almost immediately, it would be that hostile governments (or some other entity that benefits from poisoning our youth, I don’t know, I’m not a conspiracy scientist) are finding ways to put lead in all our products as a way to dumb us all down.

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The instant I saw the word "RIGGERS" in his bitch ass post yesterday, I knew exactly what it actually meant. Just more dog whistling fog horn blasting racism from The Cheeto Mussolini. 😡

What can I say? I'm a lush. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Ugh, my liver is going to HATE me. It's Christmas in July baby!!


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I’ve heard Tuesday is the big day. Get your popcorn ready folks!


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Somewhat off topic, but it really gets my goat that this guy is pulling the “witch hunt” bullshit that the other side so often does:

“For years, forces behind the scenes have repeatedly attempted to silence my voice and dig my political grave. Since this investigation was leaked nearly a year ago, there has been an active smear campaign of anonymous sources and innuendos to create an air of impropriety where none exists,” Menendez said in a statement, adding that prosecutors see him as a political “obstacle.”

Motherfucker, you had envelopes full of cash stuffed in your pockets that had the DNA of the man who’s suspected of bribing you on them. For fuck’s sake.

Anyway, great to see some on team Dem call for his resignation. That said, I’m keeping my eyes peeled for any that that decide to circle the wagons.

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Because the right-wing saturation of platforms like YouTube was so central to my becoming a reactionary, I believe that creating a competing left-wing presence in online spaces should be a priority for the Left. Currently, conservatives enjoy a nearly unchallenged role in grabbing young men who may very well be supportive of progressive movements, but whose lack of community drives them away from collective politicking. This needs to change.

It's really refreshing to see a suggestion for how to help solve the right-wing rabbit hole problem other than just blaming "education" and saying it needs to be fixed (not that I think fixing education isn't the answer, I just don't think that it is the only answer). Something I've been asking myself since the 2016 election is, what the hell are we going to do about what is happening to our society that is turning people towards hate, bigotry, selfishness and cruelty? Sure, we can try to educate people, but there will always be folks that turn away from public education. Additionally, here's only a fraction of us who attend some form of higher education that might expose us to information that might bring some out of a selfish world view. Meanwhile, all that right wing content has flooded the internet, just waiting to enthrall folks who don't have direction.

Fighting back by introducing an equal (or even greater?) amount of content that opposes hateful ideology is not a bad idea at all as a method to try and catch these folks before they fall into these dark rabbit holes.

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“Although advertisers have taken a stand against this change, Musk plans to go ahead with it anyway.”

Lol what a fucking renob.

Personally, I think this is all part of the plan. Chase the lefties out of their states so that they can solidify their majority, keeping themselves in power.

Do this with enough states, and they can kick off a constitutional convention.

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No Labels’ officials, including co-chair Joe Lieberman

Oh, fuck right off with this guy.

I can’t shake the bad feeling that the timing is going to be a real problem once shutdown time rolls around here in less than 40-ish days. What if we don’t even have a fucking speaker at all by then??

There is the possibility that Dems coordinate a vote with the not-Freedom Caucus GOP to elect the least disagreeable candidate, though…

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Dude, how was this our guy for four years? How did he slip through two impeachments?

Lol how long do you have? The short, super-oversimplified answer is, the Orange One's ability to stay in office is the entire reason why Fox News was created; to spin/omit bad information so that their audience believes their politicians can do no wrong, and in effect, so that their preferred presidents could never be removed from office.

There's also the fact that a lot of stupid, hateful assholes put him in office literally so that folks like you and I would suffer.

Honestly, no matter how detailed I could get about how the Trump presidency happened, I too find myself asking "how the fuck did this all happen??", and I just don't fucking know, man. I don't fucking know.

Another commenter advised that I add “English” along with “Undetermined” in the language settings for Lemmy. That seems to have done the trick!

So did killing Roe v. Wade.

The collapse of the GOP is about to occur.

I sure hope you're right, and by that I mean I hope they have to restructure so as to shed the crazy alt-right section of the party back into the fringes.

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Fascists gonna fasc.

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I know exactly what you're talking about, and you're right (shit, that article is from a whole year ago?!), I should have thought of that! This is some serious shit, like I was just kind of being "tin-foil-hat-y" with my comment, but they're way ahead of me.

Jesus Herbert Walker CHRIST, this is a huge fucking problem!!

ETA: "The power to call for a convention belongs solely to state legislatures, who would pass and ratify amendments without a governor's signature, Congress' intervention, or any input from the president."


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Oh shit, where’s the megathrea-

…sorry folks, old habits! 😆

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This is so true I didn’t even realize how fucking upside down the whole thing is until reading your comment. It didn’t even occur to me the idea of her resignation over Beetlegate because the idea of her doing so is just outside the realm of reality. It’s just “oh sorry, I let my morals lapse there for a bit, my bad!” and no one bats an eye.

This is fucking crazy! This is from the party of “gotta protect the kids”, just groping and fondling at a family event!

What the fuck.

“​​We never envisioned, and would not knowingly have enabled, the disinformation machine that, in our opinion, Fox has become,” the [group of men who helped establish Fox News] wrote.

What in the wild blue FUCK did you think was going to happen, then? Did it really seem like an honest effort back when it was launched?

I have to agree. Personally, I like “Klanned Karenhood” as it better reflects their shrill bigotry.

Wouldn't it be wild if the Orange One's wife ended up being coconspirator #6??

What do you mean? Who wouldn’t donate to the great George Santos, Lincoln’s vice president and the inventor of the airbag, potentially saving millions of lives??

According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program, the 5 most hazardous states in the U.S. in 2023 are:

Louisiana: Overall Crime Rate of 537.5/100,000 people, making it the most dangerous.

Mississippi: Overall Crime Rate of 413.2/100,000 people.

Alaska: Despite a low population, a high Overall Crimes Rate of 386.2/100,000 people.

Arkansas: Overall Crime Rate of 385.9/100,000 people.

New Mexico: Overall Crime Rate of 369.5/100,000 people.(More info about this)

You ain’t kiddin!
