Anti-abortion activists are colluding with the Missouri SoS, Auditor and AG to keep abortion ballot petition from ending up on the 2024 ballot

Flying to politics – 208 points –

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Say it with me, everybody:

If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism; they will reject democracy.

-David Frum-

This is so true. They’ve struggled to win democratically for some time now, hence all the gerrymandering and electoral/judicial shenanigans. Coming from someone like David Frum makes it all the more powerful. (This is the axis of evil guy, remember.)

I finally ran up on David Frum (I was a young, ignorant, “politics are boring and dumb” kind of guy back in the Bush II years), and it’s really something seeing him attack the hard/alt right as a “moderate” conservative (I think moderate is actually accurate here). Then again, he’s also a founder of No Labels, who is eying a Joe Manchin run.

Which, I guess makes sense. But still, I hate it. 🤷🏽‍♂️