Joe Biden wants to complete his goals on civil rights, taxes, and social services if he's reelected to politics – 298 points –
Joe Biden wants to complete his goals on civil rights, taxes, and social services if he's reelected

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Republicans have been eating up that tax break trickle down bullshit for decades even though they don't see a dime of it. Biden does something that directly benefits the economic reality of the working class and you want to shame people for liking it?

Benefits the economic reality of SOME of the working class. It just so happens he's courting those voters, and in this case successfully traded taxpayer's funds for support. It's not less wrong when you personally like the outcome.

Oh so it's not perfect and doesn't help everyone's situation so it's wrong and not good at all?

It helps people, it's good.

In favor of eliminating AMT, inheritance tax and cutting the top marginal rate then? Those will only help a small subset of people, but people will be helped all the same. Or is it not THOSE people? Presumably those are the people you intend to get the money from to give as loan forgiveness. That hurts those people so it's bad right? Maybe Joe is hurting the people he's supposed to in this case so it's good?