Reddit feels like it's gone back to 100% normalcy already. Was the protest a failure? to Reddit – 2 points –

I was looking at reddit today, and the front-page felt like nothing happened. I scrolled and scrolled and scrolled and clicked into comments. Everything is popping off buzzing with activity. All the subreddits I was subscribed to that went dark are now back up and business as usual.

I knew we were a minority, but I didn't expect this level of apathy. It feels like Spez was 100% right and this did in fact blow over. What's your take on it it? I didn't expect Reddit to immediately be a failure, but man I guess I expected a bigger impact than that.


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A quarter of all subreddits are still private or restricted (can't post in them). This includes ones like /r/music or /r/programming. Of the 6 30+ million subscriber subreddits, only 3 have returned to normalcy. One is restricted, two others are in john oliver mode. The developers of Minecraft have officially abandoned Reddit as a platform, and advertisers are still pulling out as well.

Just one important distinction: not a quarter of all subreddits, but a quarter of the subreddits that said they would go private for at least 2 days are still private.

When I looked at RedDark yesterday, it was a quarter of all subreddits.

Ah, Reddark is only tracking subreddits that said they were participating, the ones that listed themselves in the Modcoord threads. There are far more subreddits that exist than the 8,829 they're tracking.

It's been a week and /r/interestingasfuck is still locked with no mod team

Reddit removed the mod team for 'making the community inaccessible' - and then have left the community inaccessible due to no moderation for longer than the original mod team had it closed.

I know the irony there is damn near horse pate at this point, but that shit's still funny every time it comes up.