You know how you can go to the dentist to have tartar removed? In the future, we could have routine appointments to have kidney stones pulverized and removed. to – 50 points –

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You can already get kidney stones pulverized. They basically put you in a special bathtub then use ultrasonic waves to blast the stones into pieces. The waves pass harmlessly through the water and your soft tissue, but the stones basically shake themselves apart because they’re too hard to flex with the waves.

Given, you’re still pissing jagged sand afterwards. But that’s better than pissing a jagged pebble. Most of the pain from kidney stones comes from the ureter stretching around the stone, so pulverizing it helps mitigate a LOT of the pain.

Oh… I wonder how expensive using that bathtub is. Are they rare? Like, would almost any hospital have one?

For $20/hr I'll let you sit in a 40gal tote and play dubstep really loud out of the speakers in my Honda Accord. Pretty much the same thing

If you play Skrillex's Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites, it will also repel mosquitos so they won't lay eggs in the water.