Anyone else notice that short videos are making their attention span worse? to No Stupid – 14 points –

I don't actually use TikTok or even the "sliding" function on youtube shorts, but I feel like my attention span has gotten much worse after they started getting popular. Even watching a 2 minute video feels dreadfully long, let alone a 10 or 20 minute video, so I end up watching a mostly short animation memes instead.


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Within the constraints of the job it might be impossible to implement any changes, but do you have any ideas how to keep students engaged for long term projects when they have these 2min-tik-tok attention spans? I'm asking as someone who sees this behaviour in younger colleagues that I try to educate as a senior... :D

So what I've found is that they need to be interested in doing whatever. As soon as it's "boring" they lose interest. In other words, nope, not a clue. Maybe earning a paycheck will help your colleague realize the importance, but I don't have any ideas that have worked. I try to make my lessons engaging, but I'm not a TikTok influencer, so ...

maybe our generation (if we're even the same, lol) could just hide our boredom better :D But deep down we all needed that teacher who could keep us engaged... but who knows... :)

You called yourself a senior. I'm in my early 40s, so I doubt it. Engagement tricks that used ti work in the past don't seem to work anymore. That's the problem.