How to fix?

ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ to – 43 points –

So I installed Signal messenger and later needed pulse audio and lsp plugins. Now the search in the menu no longer finds Signal in search. :-( I have to go to "Internet -> Signal" to open it.

How to fix this?


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ppl should not applaud crooked ppl at all.

remember how most ppl fanboyed elon? i do. he was crooked from day one but his spaceships where all fancy. lennart is on the same main character path. now he helps MS exfiltrate more data to US authorities...but you do you and keep rooting for him, I never will. in 10 years he more and more of his actions will have a bad impact.

in my eyes the weakes humans tend to tell ppl to go away. "if you dont like the politics here l, go away." thats what facists do. that is what you do. "then go use another distro". well, NO. A decent human being will fight to make a distro or country better. if i'd be a jerk like you i'd have to suggest you look for another social media plattform if you dont like the ideas of others. go find a truth social for systemd lovers.

Okay, so: 2 questions:

  1. Do you dislike/hate Systemd, Poettering, or both? And does one stem from the other?

  2. What exactly makes Poettering crooked? Working for M$? So you're telling me if Torvalds accepted the job offer from Jobs to work at Apple, he would be crooked too?

nothing can be gained from talking to you. your absurd positions in previous comments keeps me from further engagement. go cuddle elon or enjoy win12....cant care less.

I use Arch and hate Elon, but that's beside the point. I'm just trying to understand wby you hate Poettering, and why you hate Systemd?