Google Messages prepares a feature that will do your ears a favor -

ijeff@lemdro.idmod to – 47 points –
Google Messages prepares a feature that will do your ears a favor

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If I wanted a messaging app with advanced features, I wouldn't be using the SMS app that came with my phone.

...and why not?

Because SMS is inherently feature-lite. But it's free and unlimited, which is kind of the whole point of using it over a feature-rich app that uses data.

A lot of messaging apps became popular because carriers were charging per-SMS in some countries.

Basic text messaging should consumer virtually zero data. If they are, you should consider using a different app.

Photos use a decent amount of data regardless of what app you're sending them by.

It doesn't consume much more than it does on SMS

SMS/MMS do not count toward data usage here. They are free and unlimited.