For those active across the fediverse, who are some creatives you follow and which creative communities do you enjoy? to – 77 points –

Creatives of whichever fields, whether writers, artists, musicians, meme-makers, developers, film makers, and the like and/or communities, I'm curious to know about some of the people around the fediverse creating some original stuff.

I know of a few over on the Mastodon side, and some communities forming here, but I imagine there are way more I'm unaware of.


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*puts on sunglasses*

My time to shine.

Ok so in terms of Lemmy communities, I have a list of a load of them here although admittedly some have since died off and I should probably do a trawl for new ones (adding that to my weekend todo list as we speak).

On Mastodon, there used to be a server called that was great for this, but it shut down and most of us moved to either or so the local timelines there are a nice place to find people (the former is much bigger than the latter, and also has a lot of writers).

I'd also recommend checking Fediverse Explorer on occasion to find people who aren't federated with your server and therefore aren't showing up in your Mastodon search. Example search for #knitting.

My craft account gets a decent bit of reach among fibre crafters so if you're looking for anything specific in that area hit me up and I'd be happy to boost or otherwise get some more eyeballs on your request post. Likewise with my other account for gamedev, and if you are interested in game projects / art then again the local feed on that server is great as well as too.

PeerTube has a surprising amount of creative / maker content but it's hard to find because of the weird way they handle federation. tries to get round it a bit by curating videos from across PT into playlists, often creative-themed, so you might find something there. There's also which is as the name suggests focused on attracting that sort of thing, but it recently got an influx of retro gaming YouTubers flooding everything with their massive backlogs so you might need to dig a bit more than usual.

Hope some of that helps!

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