WoW Tokens now require you to buy a real-money subscription first to – 119 points –
WoW Tokens now require you to buy a real-money subscription first

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Free trials can't farm gold anyway because they're capped to 1k gold, so this really does only impact bot accounts for the most part. There's likely a small number of people who use tokens because they otherwise couldn't afford to play, but I expect that's not terribly common.

From the article, it indicates you'll just need to have bought something since 2017 to avoid this wave. I can't imagine someone has been playing exclusively free since WoD while buying the expansions, but it sounds like just paying for the next xpac with money will be enough.

Oh, I've been doing that. This is a hot topic on the big gold-making Discord server, and there are over 10,000 people in there (and that's just English-speaking players who even know about and opted-in to said Discord server).