Rent prices are so high that Gen Z can't afford to live alone anymore to – 561 points –

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I agree that there is nothing to save them from. They absolutely get to choose how they want to live their lives.

I simply disagree with the idea that they want to better themselves at all. That doesn't match my experience, having worked with thousands of people like this.

I wasn't really big on UBI until I really learned about this entire subclass. They're what sold me on the concept.

Again, I think they're still working on improving their situation in their own way. They don't WANT what we see as improvement. For us, improvement is comfort, money to live, a better home, etc. For some people, it could be achieving an altered brain state. Or reading a book. Or spending a day walking the streets. All of this would, in my view, be "trying to improve your situation" - they all make you more comfortable. They may not be long-term viable, or what the broader society may define as improvement, but that's kinda irrelevant.

Or reading a book.

While I agree with you philosophically, this made me laugh out loud.