For those who work with the public: What was the worst situation that occurred between you and a customer? to – 114 points –

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I misgendered a woman who was already very irate. This was probably 30 years ago, before trangenderism was as common as it is now (or at least as publicly presented). It did NOT go over well, to say the least. Other customers were smirking and giggling, and even a coworker was having trouble keeping a straight face. In my defense, she was heavyset, had shaved hair and a raspy voice. Luckily I didn't say any of this to her. I just got my manager and let her yell at me (and him) for 10 minutes. I learned the value of keeping your mouth shut until you're certain that day.

I worked at Menards years ago. Someone checked out but forgot a bag on the counter, so I grabbed it and ran out after them. I see them at their car and start yelling, ma'am you forgot this. Then the guy turns around and I just die a little inside. Fortunately, his wife thought it was fucking hilarious, so that really took the edge off.

Having to speak destroys the symphony of silence.