Stereotypical religious nutjobs in the 80s and 90s were all "The end is nigh!" Now that science supports them, they're all "Everything is A-OK!" to – 904 points –

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Bible says that the rapture would happen before a particular apostle would die?

Wait, really !

Mohammed said a similar thing, he saw a boy and said: "before this kid dies the world will end", the kid grew up and died and still here we are..

Never said such a thing, Mohammed CLEARLY states that he doesn't know when the world will end in several famous hadith.

In fact Mohammed said the world wouldn't end until several things happen not the other way around.

Some of which are already happening now. Like the arabs competing to build tall buildings.

If you want to challenge this point bring a source and then we can talk.

My source: Sahih Al-Bukhari hadith number 50

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the kid grew up and died and still here we are…

what if it did end and this is actual purgatory?

You're full of crap. I'm Muslim and Mohammed was very clear in stating how the world would end. Including how the US will be three islands way before that due to an impact of a comet. The prophecies are very detailed. Google minor and major signs of qiyama

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