My PDF reader REALLY HAD to add a permanent "AI assistant" button that floats on every single file i open to Mildly – 498 points –

If someone knows how to disable this fuckery, please tell me or i have to install adobe acrobat, it makes me crazy as it floats on all the open PDFs, covering text/content


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I'm on Windows 11 and it opens PDF files in Edge by default. While I find it kind of silly to use a web browser for that purpose, the built-in PDF reader is actually fairly good, it can even read your documents out loud using text-to-speech.

Edge’s reader is decent I agree. But in what kind of bizarro world do one use a browser to read PDFs.

It pains me to say, but this is one area where Apple beats everyone. Their default PDF reader can do a LOT, it’s free, it’s already there and crucially it’s lightweight and not bogged down with shitty functionality no one needs, nor bristling with upsell towards premium features.

Indeed, Preview really is excellent. Does almost everything you'll ever need and nothing you don't.