How many of you are still working full-time remote and how is it going? If not, why not? Was the decision made by you to go back to the office or did your employer decide for you? to Moving to: m/AskMbin! – 78 points –

I am still working full-time remote. There are definitely some social aspects of going to the office I miss, but I really don't miss the commute or the shitty office politics. Overall I feel I am still more productive from home and happier overall.


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I'm still nearly 100% remote. We have like two events a year we need to show up at in person.

I would change jobs again if this changes; my goal is to move out to the countryside in another 2.5 to 3 years and do some small-scale farming and such, and there are really no IT jobs in the Japanese Countryside that are anywhere near what I do now in terms of interesting content, competent management, and pay.

Wow! Where in Japan would you go to farm? What type of farm are you thinking about?

That's the debate; I need to find a place that my wife (who hates snow) won't be miserable. She also doesn't drive, so it would be better if she did not have to get a license. I'm currently looking from Ibaraki prefecture up through the southeast of Iwate near the coast (far enough away from tsunami, close enough that we don't get snow).

My plan is to grow nearly 100% of the fruits and veggies we eat. This obviously won't work for things that just don't grow in the climate we end up in.

I'd also like to have chickens (at first for eggs and later meat birds).

Maybe pigs in the far future, but I legally have to have them butchered at a proper abattoir by Japanese law, so I need to work all that out.

For rice, the hope would be to trade with neighbors for other things.

Flour and stuff I would still have to buy because I'm not going to be able to grow wheat in any meaningful way.