RIP RIF to Reddit – 543 points –

That's it folks. RIF has stopped working.
Reddit is no longer fun.


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The Creator of RIF says they are working on, I don't believe that's part of the fediverse sadly. I really know very little about tildes anyone know why they would choose that over trying to build for Lemmy or kbin?

That's interesting, though. I haven't used Tildes but I got real used to rif's interface and this is taking some getting used to.

I'm on tildes, it's really refreshing and easy to use.
Main difference is that it seems to cater more of a serious adult conversations, which after years of being able to predict most comments before looking in Reddit, is very refreshing.
Lots less memes, communities are pre set and can't be created, seems to be to make sure to populate them before creating sub categories that people may see as in active and avoid.
Overall it feels like fedworld is best overall experience, squabbles is memes and lighthearted and tildes is more deep and thought out style of interaction.