RIP RIF to Reddit – 543 points –

That's it folks. RIF has stopped working.
Reddit is no longer fun.


RIF was my Reddit app of choice for like 10 years, will miss it for sure :(

Same. RIF was great. Such a perfect app! RIP RIF

Yeah I had premium for so long I don't remember buying it. It sucks to see but remember fuck u/spez.

I had premium too. It was well worth it for such a great app.

Welcome. It's gonna take everyone's effort to make KBIN fun. Upload content daily, and interact with other people's content that you have something to say about. It's gonna take effort from all of us.

We need to quickly move past Reddit. We cannot be consumed by it or we will repel newcomers. This needs to become it's own special place with it's own character. It'll take time. Be patient.

Reddit is the big news right now. It is unrealistic to expect people to just forget it and ignore it. Same thing happened with the initial Digg migration to Reddit all those years ago. Once Reddit stops being news because it failed or things went back to normal, then we'll stop talking about it.

Okay, but for now all the "RIP Reddit" posts give migrating Reddit users a feeling of, "So this is where the other people like me went."

Hopefully we can get a mobile client soon as well, because then I think it'll really take off.

I've been gently hounding the RIF dev to see if he'll make a Kbin app, lol. Here's to hoping!

The problem the kbin has right now though is that it's so new I don't think an API exists yet. Even if it did, development is happening so rapidly that by the time you hammered out your app the API may have changed several times.

We will eventually get our app, but kbin needs to grow as a website a little bit first.

Yeah I keep wishing I could see this in the Apollo UI

Same, Apollo just crashes, I was hoping for some sort of miracle compromise lol

Yeah - as of about thirty minutes ago, Apollo just crashes as soon as it boots.

If you put the phone in airplane mode, you can get the app to load the UI at least. Doesn't do/mean anything but I suspect I'll be doing it out of nostalgia a lot in the coming months.

Mine has started loading normally without that. Obviously no content, but I don't have to turn off connection to have it not crash now.

The developer of Apollo said Reddit cut them off unexpectedly but he was able to make it stop crashing by deleting his token. He can no longer access anything now but at least you can go into the app.

I was hoping he put something special in like a countdown with that last update. Or that you could still open it and see something. App is totally dead.

Update: Apparently Reddit killed all the third party apps themselves early. Probably knowing we would comment only to protest and complain.

Apollo crashed as soon as I finished reading the eulogy post

I didn’t get to :( It wouldn’t load.

That was great timing. I hope you’re not into reading apocalypse or doomsday books, though.

Dang, that kinda sucks. If he was able to still have a going away message it could link to donations to help cover the refunds.

Feels weird after all these years.

I'm excited about the fediverse though!

The best app :(

Fun side effect if I accidentally click a reddit link from Google or whatever, it opens the app to an empty screen instead of giving reddit traffic! I'll keep it installed as a free blacklist tool 🤣

I'm still kinda in shock that it actually happened. Well, that's legitimately the end of the road for me on Reddit. I was on there for 12 years, and the majority of it was using RiF. Gg Spez, moron.

I was high on the hopium that they'd eventually show some flex too

I know people were saying Reddit looked normal like all the protests, etc. did nothing but it’ll be interesting to see if that’s the same now that third party apps are dead or if people were just riding out the last days

I got downvoted really bad on a comment i made. Some people are riding it out till the wheels fall off. Some don't like the way reddit treated third-party apps so they came over. Everyone got there reasons!

I actually feel really sad for an app. Got the 429 error and my heart sunk. Rest in peace friend.

I've been on reddit for 13 years, and have used rif for 12. Maybe the most used app I've ever had, was always a staple download whenever getting a new device. Just a damn shame this is happening.

That being said, this is my first post on kbin. Here's to hoping this community can grow and we can collectively move on from reddit's mess as it withers away from their pride and greed.

I thought I'd check it one more time this evening, but no. Nothing there.

Same, I thought "hey, I should get a screenshot or something to remember it by."

I don't know why, but I'm still in shock it actually happened. RIF is the only way I've ever used Reddit. Spez is burning down one of the best and most informative communities just to up his future net worth a few percentage points. It's disgusting.

What really confounds me is how he can confuse creating infrastructure for creativity and information sharing with having any actual value? Lol. The dude is a fucking nitwit. Full stop.

Man fuck spez and all the enablers. Seriously incompetent leadership and anyone thinking of touching that IPO might as well light their money on fire.

Tiktok alone shows the masses can and will switch to something completely different on a moments notice.

Uninstalling RIF was a very melancholy experience -(

Hello everyone! RIF stopped working so here I am! I hope everyone is doing well.

The silver lining is that we discovered the fediverse

I just wish I actually...Liked it?

It's clunky and kinda empty right now, but hopefully it'll get better.

Definitely needs a bunch of content that isn't "Reddit sucks."

End of an era for sure.
Glad to be a part of Kbin going forward.

Sync also shut down at the same time. Sent out a notification to everyone.

Pretty wild how fast this all happened. Good riddance to reddit and the rude people that inhabit it

I'm legitimately sad to see RIF go. It will be missed. :(

That app was my most used app for the better part of 10 years. I'm legit grieving. I was so very lonely during this last decade, and Reddit had been the closest simulacrum to genuine social interaction that I got. I'm mourning, not just the passing of that app, but the trust I had in Reddit as a platform. I feel like I've lost a close friend. RIP.

End of an era. Start of a new one though.

RIP to the only way I would use reddit. So I'm done with reddit too.

I've put the app on the corner to always remember what was taken away from us.

Reddit is gonna burn hard and we are all here for it u/spez is gonna face the music once and for all and we are all here for it!

He was always there to take the flak anyway. He is now past his usefulness as far as the investors are concerned. he'll be jettisoned.

RIF was Reddit for me, sad to see it end like this. But excited to see where this goes.

Yup has stopped working for me as well. Rip RIF.

Wonder how big the next wave of refugees is gonna be.

I'm actually all for the huge wave. I found this in anticipation of the loss of RIF and I am very excited to see it take off.

Maybe all the new people to Reddit that dgaf about the people behind the content will just stay on actual Reddit and we will get the better groups?

Maybe all the new people to Reddit that dgaf about the people behind the content will just stay on actual Reddit and we will get the better groups?

I hope so. I'm excited to see how the fediverse will grow and like you expect that the quality of our communities to be maybe a bit better than those that decide to stick with reddit. I'm going to miss the smaller niche subs I was a part of until we can have them grow over here.

I thought it was shutting down tomorrow, so the shock made it sting all the more.

It's Fediverse full-time for me, now.

The shadow remains cast.

Thank you for 12 years of fun, talklittle

It was my favorite Reddit app for many years. But the fun is now over.

RIP RiF! Thanks for all the fun!

Was in the middle of deleting all of my post history using RIF when it stopped working. Had to finish up on a browser, sadly.

Now for Reddit is going to stay open but I don't suspect it will be for long. Reading his post I don't think he has a firm grasp of what it's going to look like working within reddits cogs.

Sync for Reddit is shut down now too 😢

So long, and thanks for all the fish!

BaconReader is no more. 7 years of use from me and I am so upset. It's not the same over here

Dam, That is so real. RIP RIF my fav reddit client ever!

The silver lining is that we discovered the fediverse

Thank you RIF developers for making reddit compact and readable.
Welcome to lemmy / kbin to all new reddit refugees!

I ditched it a week ago, i didn't want to experience this. so glad I am here.

I stopped using Reddit and rif when the protests started. I've started seeing a lot more content on kbin so I'm hoping it keeps growing

Same with Sync. The dev is working on a Lemmy app, but I'm not convinced it can replace Reddit.

On e Reddit IPOs wallstreet will kill anything left over. They were already trying to push a bunch of shit no one wanted.

wsb is already salivating to short reddit's IPO. I'm thinking I might get in on that, too.

I literally watched RIF die while watching a movie at home with my family. I was hoping it would be good to midnight, eastern time, but recognized this was completely arbitrary. One minute the front page worked. I put my phone down and went back to it 20 minutes later maybe around 8:45pm Eastern - I could only get one screen-full of links, and when I tried to scroll, I got an error saying it couldn't load anything else, and visiting other subreddits produced the same "no threads" message posted here. About 20 minutes after that, the front page was doing the same thing, and it was done.

RIF was great; I checked out reddit via mobile browser after it died, but the interface was just.... not nearly as clean as RIF. No interest in using the app.

I remember leaving for reddit in 2010. Reddit was an easy choice. It remains to be seen where we'll all end up as there doesn't seem to be anywhere as big and developed as reddit was, even back then. Lemmy and the fediverse might be good initially for topics with a broader draw of people, but for our niche interests it'll be hard to kick reddit. Maybe for niche topics, things will look like pre-Digg internet, with more reliance on individual websites, individual forums, but with a healthy amount of discord added in.

Reddit themselves cut off the apps early. Probably to prevent users from protesting and complaining.

I used RIF for its accessibility features and screen reader support.

The Reddit App has none of that.

RIF was a great app. Here's to hoping we bring all the best parts of Reddit across and continue the fun!

Shit sucks man. I've used Rif for longer than I can even remember. I never once used the official app or even view Reddit in my desktop.

Yep, never installed the app and never will. If I need access it's going to be through the old link on desktop with adblock

For actual? Infinity still works, I guess they shut off at different times?

But yeah RIP legend

Lemmy: 1,660,853 users
Kbin: 52,449 users

2023-07-01 01:29:00 CEST

For future reference

Edit: Yes I know the Lemmy userbase is inflated but you can still kind of calculate the newcomers unless they start deleting all the bot accounts

Furthermore, since this has garnered a little bit of attention, for the kbin stats visit this site and for the Lemmy stats visit this site

infinity plans to switch to a subscription model. might be they stay working.

I'm not sure who they're doing it for, I'm pretty sure at least 99% of the people that used it in the first place are now done with Reddit or only use (until that socket disappears too)

For some reason RIF is working for me again as long as I'm not logged in. It stops working when I try to login.

@Teppic RIF (RES when on PC) .
was basically my reddit experience for 9-10ish years. RIF also used to pay money to reddit before spez took over from Yishan. Dumbass cut off a revenue stream for nothing and fucked over users in the process. Shitty mobile web + ad blockers from here on out if I use the site.

Relay still working for the time being

Isn't relay making a deal with the devil?

Boost is still up at the moment but Boost for Lemmy is already up for pre-registration, so I don't think it's a hard cutoff or anything.

Well that 's it for me. I blocked Reddit on my PC with UBlock Origin, and the only time I would look at Reddit would be through RIF. I can only hope for an app so good for kbin and the Fediverse.

I keep saying it but this is more emotional than I would have thought. It's an end to an era. And RIF and the other apps helped us all connect, laugh, cry, vent, argue, meme and stuff together. The app devs were as much responsible for the success and entertainment of reddit as reddit itself. It's a weird.

Logged out of my account on RIF and it started working again.

Death throes?

I've been on reddit for 17 years, I can't remember when I bought RIF. It was a good run.

The Creator of RIF says they are working on, I don't believe that's part of the fediverse sadly. I really know very little about tildes anyone know why they would choose that over trying to build for Lemmy or kbin?

That's interesting, though. I haven't used Tildes but I got real used to rif's interface and this is taking some getting used to.

I'm on tildes, it's really refreshing and easy to use.
Main difference is that it seems to cater more of a serious adult conversations, which after years of being able to predict most comments before looking in Reddit, is very refreshing.
Lots less memes, communities are pre set and can't be created, seems to be to make sure to populate them before creating sub categories that people may see as in active and avoid.
Overall it feels like fedworld is best overall experience, squabbles is memes and lighthearted and tildes is more deep and thought out style of interaction.

This was the last push i needed to actually move on from reddit. Now i'll finally be able to retrain my muscle memory to open kbin instead of RIF when i sit on the toilet.

Used it on every phone since my Motorola Droid. It will be missed.

I think I started on iPhone 3, if that's possible. Alien blue sounds too familiar to me and I think I read it was iOS. Means I've been around longer than the 10 years on rif, if my memory is correct. End of the day it's a damn shame, greed everywhere you look, amazing how one person or a few can affect thousands so easily.