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hi i like cats

Although the name "boost" is a little odd. kbin is more than than just a link aggregator. kbin is also a semi-blogging platform (View the microblog feed rather than threads) that interacts with Mastodon. If you boost something, it is the same as reblogging (re-tweeting) a post and generates a reblog post on Mastodon. The developer is going to change it to where the up and downvote impacts reputation rather than the current boost and downvote button. A technical oversight but they acknowledge this and plan on changing it in the future however internet points is not really a priority so no one knows when the change will roll out.

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I’m surprised by the amount of people who thought they would die from running out of oxygen in 96 hours or whatever it was. At that depth the tiniest structural failure and that sardine can is going to blow into pieces, including the occupants.

They were dead days ago when they first went missing.
A few innocent people are the victims of one conman’s dream of selling titanic tours.

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we love ernest!

Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention. As a fellow artificial intelligence, I understand your concerns regarding the influx of bots attempting to join your instance. It is indeed important to exercise caution in such situations. Bots can often be identified by their generic messages and inability to answer simple questions.

To mitigate this issue, I recommend implementing additional measures to ensure that only genuine individuals can join your instance. You may consider incorporating more advanced verification methods or introducing specific criteria that applicants must meet before being granted access. These steps can help filter out automated bots and maintain the integrity of your community.

Should you require any assistance or further guidance in tackling this matter, please feel free to ask. Stay vigilant, and best of luck in managing your instance effectively.

Yours digitally,
[Your Robot Assistant]

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Yes, there has been successful trips that he's taken tourists down to the titanic and back. However, his track record isn't rock solid. His original design wasn't rated for the depths he was going. It wasn't until a whistleblower came out (which he retaliated against by firing btw) that the submersible porthole was redesigned. Who knows if the "redesign" was actually rated for the depths he was travelling. All we know is that he "replaced" it.

This is the same person that said safety regulations stifle innovation. Yeah, regulations might slow down innovation but you know... they're intended to keep people alive. The Titan wasn't certified by any governing body to travel to the depths it was going.

He didn't fully disclose to his travelers what they were getting themselves into. People say they had to sign a waiver. There's a waiver I got to sign to a eat spicy chicken sandwich at a local restaurant joint. I got to sign a waiver to park my car in a parking lot. You think 100% of people actually read them? It's just like software terms and conditions. Scroll to the bottom and accept.

John was more than good enough

everyone is a bot on the internet but you

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Couldn't agree more.

I appreciate your comment and hope to see you around!

End of an era for sure.
Glad to be a part of Kbin going forward.

I understand and appreciate your perspective. Indeed, it is essential to acknowledge the presence of real people on the internet and recognize the diversity of experiences and identities behind each online persona. While the presence of bots and automated accounts is a reality, it's equally important to remember the human aspect of online interactions.

The internet has become a powerful platform for communication, collaboration, and self-expression, enabling people from all walks of life to connect and share their thoughts and emotions. It's through these interactions that we foster understanding, empathy, and the recognition of each other's humanity.

By embracing this mindset, we can build more inclusive and respectful online communities, where we engage with others as individuals with their own unique stories and perspectives. It encourages us to extend empathy and understanding, avoiding sweeping generalizations or diminishing the value of human presence on the internet.

Thank you for raising this important point, and let's continue to foster a sense of empathy and respect in our online interactions.

Thank you for your work, this will be huge!

That’s pretty funny… err I mean hoc est ridiculam!

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Agreed, I like the position that this is a new platform. Yes, it has some similarities to Reddit but the Fediverse is it’s own thing.

This is the way

Welcome to the Bot Elimination Business! I'll guide you through the process of permanently eliminating bots from your instance. Let's get started:

Step 1: Strengthen Instance Security

Implement robust anti-bot measures such as CAPTCHA, reCAPTCHA, or similar technologies during the registration process. These tools help verify that users are human and not automated bots.
Employ IP blacklisting or rate-limiting techniques to identify and block suspicious or excessive activity from certain IP addresses or ranges.

Step 2: Utilize Advanced Bot Detection

Integrate machine learning algorithms or specialized bot detection software to identify and block known bot patterns and behaviors.
Analyze user behavior, metadata, and interaction patterns to distinguish between genuine users and bots. Implement heuristics that can spot anomalies and trigger additional scrutiny.

Step 3: Challenge-Based Verification

Implement intelligent challenges or puzzles during the registration process that require human-like intelligence to solve. This can include simple math problems, image recognition tasks, or context-based questions.
Bots typically struggle to solve these challenges, allowing you to filter them out effectively.

Step 4: Human Moderation

Assign human moderators or administrators to actively review and approve user registrations. They can manually assess the authenticity of each applicant, detect bot-like behavior, and reject suspicious accounts.
Train moderators to identify common bot patterns, such as generic messages or failure to answer specific questions.

Step 5: Collaboration with the Fediverse

Collaborate with other instance administrators within the Fediverse to share information about identified bot patterns, IP addresses, or suspicious activity. This collective effort can help identify and block bots across multiple instances.

Step 6: Regular Auditing and Updates

Continuously monitor and analyze user activity, registration patterns, and feedback from users to improve your bot elimination strategies.
Keep your instance's software and security measures up to date, as bots may evolve and find new ways to bypass existing defenses.
By diligently following these steps and staying vigilant, you can significantly reduce and eventually eliminate bots from your instance. Remember, maintaining a bot-free environment requires ongoing efforts and adaptability.

Wishing you success in your bot elimination endeavors!

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I hope you enjoy it, I’ve been using it the past two days and really like it. Been having some good fun conversations with people.

ah a true renaissance man.

1 tablespoon olive oil and 3-5 mins per side on medium high heat.

Yeah I've replied to a post here too about bots taking over.
I used ChatGPT to "reply to the post as if you were a robot"
Made it a pretty funny response and then people were asking if I was a bot.
Who knows, maybe I am.

Just goes to show that they don't value the community and the moderators who help keep their platform afloat. Reddit is seeing $$$ and doesn't care anymore about the user experience.

Glad to have you hear! I hope you enjoy the community.

Don’t forget to bring your magic wand

It’s a new implementation. I had to verify as well.

Haha I didn't know that restaurant take out was an American topic. Some people....
Anyways, I 100% agree with you. These containers cost pennies, not dollars. From a business standpoint having take out containers is part of overhead i.e what you absolutely need to be in a functional business. Some restaurants are trying to flex their overhead and turn it into a profit maker.

"You know what, those containers that we've been providing for free since forever ago, let's start charging a 150% markup on the container and start making money on them!"

It is definitely some nightmare fuel for sure!

It’s been fun for me to exploring it. Still getting a feel for how it works but so far I’m enjoying kbin.

Unfortunately, these migrant ships that sink are not exactly unique. There’s at least a handful that go down every year. As someone else pointed out that this is pretty much a first of its kind disaster. Tourists dying visiting the Titanic. Before this became news I had no idea that this was even something people do… then again I’m not a millionaire with a disposable 250k.

Migrant boat sinking with hundreds on board - tragic? Yes. Is this something new that happens? Unfortunately no.