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Joined 1 years ago

Technical Lead for Indie Studio Tearcellgames. Try the demo and Wishlist Somnipathy on Steam today!

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My experience as well. I blitzed and grinded followers cuz it was easy and why not. My feed is okay in general, but I had to follower 1.5kish people to get it that way.

But I still get more than twice the engagement and meaningful engagement at that on Mastadon and Kbin, with less than half the followers. I also get little out of twitter, but I may be bad at it.

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You kind of have to think of this differently than you would on reddit. The fragmentation is to an extent the point. Maybe you talked about pcgaming on Reddit, 2 or 3 discords, 4chan, and Steam communities in your daily life already. If you miss out on a conversation in one place, that's unfortunate but not the end of the world. If its big enough news you'll see it in another community too.

Here you can talk about gaming in Kbin, Lemmy, Mastadon, Pixelfed etc. As your explore and your network grows, you'll get it all, possibly in the same feed. And possibly you don't care for the kbin pcgaming, you unsubscribe from it and perhaps a big strong community forms on and thats where everyone goes but you're not subscribed? Someone will boost it your way eventually and you'll discover it too.

Zeus!??! Blasphemy. All father or no father I say. Odin for best God.

oh L oh L at this! Maybe that boxing match can settle this.

I relate a bit too much to this... agile when convenient as well.

Uninstalling RIF was a very melancholy experience -(

No, greedy!

Definitely a big annoyance point for me!

Oh definitely a hot take! Obviously there are outstanding episodes in the newer seasons, but you also can't say it hasn't changed alot.

They have also already declared that if you federate with them, your instance has to abide by their code of conduct, so they already throwing their weight around.

If i'm not mistaken, the decision is in the hands of the US supreme court atm. So... I probably wouldn't hold my breath.

Sisko punched Q.

That's a metaphor but also what happened.

Its hard when that's unfortunately where the 'good' information is. Regular google results on something you don't 'know' are all trash if you exclude reddit results.

That town was a character, and the most compelling one in the series.

Can I just say I can't believe I'm doing ANOTHER migration? I thought Digg to Reddit was a once a life sort of thing.

Used chat gpt 3.x to assist in Godot and gdscript logic for our game... Nearly always wrong but often gets me thinking in a different direction than the one I was stuck in. So certainly value there.

@ernest you know how to make a grown man blush!

Seriously I was wondering if I was dumb, but couldn't figure this out either!!

Used to do the original Ninja Gaiden. 6-2 reminds me why I hate birds.

Anyone else remember those old play station underground CDs? They were a 'digital magazione'/demo discs for the Playstation 1. Was pretty cool at the time if you were a kid.

Thats where I first heart of Star Ocean as a series. They hyped me up SO much for the game, I 'remember' to this day the closing line "With a story as vast as its name" (may not be an exact quote lol).

The game really did live up to the hype for me, and I hope this remake can capture that spirit again,

Thank you for showing the growth in ACTIVE users, not just accounts. Its still impressive, and more truthful!

I was literally wondering as I read the headline if he had a video on it.

@Tearcell of course the other screens don't show. I'm bad at this federation thing...

Don't get me wrong, I'm trying to sell an indie game (see my profile!!!!!!), but its crazy how the culture shifts depending on where you are! On Mastodon and Kbin I don't feel like I'm wasting time just talking to people and enjoying the company.

On twitter and threads I just feel if I'm not yelling and shouting, its not worth my time. Like I'm falling behind if I'm not trying to push the sale.

I don't know why that all is honestly.

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Oh sweet summer child.

Still trying to finish Persona 5 Royale. Main game was so fun but I'm having a hard time with the Royale content. It's just not as fun.

@ernest You are a scholar and a gentlemen. Thanks for making this a fun place I actually want to hang out in.

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On the other hand there will probably be a second chance when reddit kills old.reddit

Correct! Every instance could be it's own reddit, with it's own mods and rules. And you can be a part of all of it, or none of it.

It's a weird way to think of things for those of us who are used to the Diggs and Reddits of the world. There has been somw call for options to 'consolidate' or 'group' things, but it remains to be seen how or if that's a reasonable ask.

May just be a gamble on future tech. IF federation is the future of the web (and I hope it is!) getting in early and helping shape it makes sense. Its also something of proven tech at the moment, so if they just threw this up fast to take advantage of twitter fires, it makes sense to use something that they know works as opposed to pulling a bluesky and doing it all from scratch. Also means there are more developers out there that are familiar with the tech.