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Joined 1 years ago

thank god elon is protecting the abused c*s minority from the persecution they face on a daily basis, otherwise they wouldn't be able to do transphobia as much

i showed this to my wife and she bit me

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absolute buffoon's 2¢ here

fox cute

yeah instead invest all your money into lesbian furries

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this makes sense because cis women have such small bones they can't reach past the centre board, giving most trans women and tall cis women an inherent advantage. /s

what the fuck chess this is just blatant transphobia

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my youngest sibling says their gender changes to make them gay for anyone they're attracted to

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we used to use cow pancreas to get insulin actually. fortunately bioreactors exist and some clever people figured out how to gmo bacteria to make insulin

you must be a professional quote maker

isn't nitrous also like an important chemical precursor in a lot of manufacturing

i think it's cuz a lot of us were redditors who used it before they even had an official reddit app, and so it wasn't pushed on us as the default option. the older, more dedicated reddit accounts disproportionately made up the active userbase

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there are many "points of no return". the first irrevocable damage was done when we started burning coal hundreds of years ago, and every year we pass new points after which the earth will be forever changed. that doesn't mean all life is screwed, or humanity will die out. it does mean that things are going to get a lot worse, and the degree to which they're going to get worse is increasing every day we don't address the issue.

the one thing climate scientists DO NOT want you to think is that we are doomed and that it is hopeless. things are bad, and getting worse, but the actions we take DO MATTER.

~~burn down an oil refinery (in minecraft)~~

god that'll make it impossible to do a bunch of frontend work for anything but their browser. which is another reason they want to do it, i'm sure

good idea sunak have you considered taking a shit in a child's ice cream to build an image? it's a much more striking one, i think, and less destructive

thats some kenm shit

toxic, addictive play patterns shouldn't be allowed. they're predatory

oh, no, it's far worse than that. the last 90% is enough time to make what you thought was the first 90% become 10%.

so 0.9*expected time = 0.1* actual time

which, if you can do some very basic algebra, results in 900%. this implies that every project will seem "almost done" for about 9x the length of time you thought the project would take. in my experience, this is roughly correct

what indeed; that's an orangutan, not a monkey

yummyy :D

the sauropods were nearly extinct by the time of the k-pg impact, so this is clearly an entirely different comet that had a lovely time and left without causing any major event to occur

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according to google's new ai, this is from bubblegum crash

i think it unlikely that we're going to have quite the level of disruption from this technology that people seem to be expecting. navigating real-world environments to perform tasks that need a human-shaped body is so far from solved i don't think we're likely to see it in our lifetimes. best i can see this doing is providing something like mobile kiosks, and perhaps remote controlled human-shaped robodrones for a few niche types of work

skyrim male grunts compilation #37

i thought that was an image generation prompt at first and thought "wow whatever model they're using has gotten really good at context and composition. i can't even tell it's ml generated. oh wait"

blurs the pp vs blurs the v and booba. if it runs a girlscan on a pp, it thinks you're hiding something in the pants because the people who made the machine didn't know trans people exist or something

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it's the one that's shaped like ohio, right next to the one that's next to ohio

it has been a difficult 3 years

there isn't a finite amount of "work" to do. management will push everyone as hard as they can, and blame the people who aren't working as hard in a form of misdirection. this isn't an intentional tactic; just the inevitable result of a capitalist productivity oriented mindset

unfortunately the point of the measures taken is to drive up unemployment and down wages. they think that will fix the economy, somehow. as if the economy is an abstract set of numbers and not the mechanism by which we keep everyone housed, fed, clothed, and warm

simply use thefuck

that's probably true regardless if it's blurred or not. if you wanna try to smuggle an airport dickgun onto a plane, go for it. it certainly will have no negative consequences

this is what happens when you use an anime girl model to make normal pictures probably

you might need more iron. eat broccoli. or take iron gummies

newnewreddit: 10 adds per post, every subreddit is blended together, and the comments from random other posts are added to every post. also the orangered vs periwinkle april fools weapons get added and cost money

framerate drops to 2 fps

10000 identical johns smith appear clipping into each other

physics engine goes haywire and the room turns into a mess of spinning viscera

this is the intended subtext of the matrix actually. it's a trans allegory

im gonna not try that

yuru camp has 10/10 dialogue

yeah definitely, look at the details on the mecha-hand.

i wouldn't call this particular usage unethical though

monoid on the category of endofunctors rule