
5 Post – 211 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Great American humorist. C# developer. Open source enthusiast.

XMPP: wagesj45@chat.thebreadsticks.com
Mastodon: wagesj45@mastodon.jordanwages.com
Blog: jordanwages.com

If there were ever a man that didn't deserve any sympathy for something like this, it is Mitch McConnell.

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Tomato, tomato, as far as they're concerned.

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Those screenshots are unreal. Did real people write those? Unironically? Screenshots from Threads is going to do for cringe what Twitter screenshots did for humor.

That's right. You don't skip your responsibilities because you think another link down the chain won't fulfill their duties. You do your job and make whoever skips out on their responsibility to put their name to it. Doesn't matter if nothing practical comes of it. Integrity and faith in "the system" demands no less.

You mean Chromium Brave Edition?

That "something" might just turn out to be as simple as "ignore it".

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I use Publii. It is a static site generator, and it's open source. In my opinion, statically generated sites are superior for a lot of purposes. You can upload the generated site to any web hosting service. It doesn't include any trackers. It actually only produces the content you ask it to.

It is also very easy to use. The interface is a lot like what you'd expect if you're familiar with Wordpress or similar. If you have an existing Wordpress blog, you can import it and keep all your content.

My blog is generated by Publii. There is no code running on the server, it is all plain HTML. I run a self hosted tracking service myself, but I had to intentionally add it to the footer of the generated pages.

If they could force you to pay a royalty every time you so much as thought of a book you once read, they'd do it in a heartbeat.

Charity should be freely given. If you don't want to, then don't. You are not obligated to take care of people you are only tangentially related to.

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kbin is still in its growing pains phase. there are tons of little user experience items that need to be worked on. good thing is that @ernest is working hard on it.

Because freedom of speech only needs to be invoked for distasteful speech. And what's distasteful is subjective.

I'm pretty far left in my politics, and growing up in a very far right area of the country, I'm aware that the principal behind free speech is very important. The social pressure to fit in was bad enough on its own; I could only imagine how bad it would have been if they had ability to shut people up by force.

Everyone gets their rocks off dunking on rightoids being shitheels and hiding behind their freedom to be a shitheel. They rarely pause to think how it might be turned on them. Because newsflash, shitheelery is really fucking popular because humans are terrible. If your ideal form of governance and the distribution of rights therein depends on people being as "good" as you are, you're going to have a bad time.

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Don't forget that all of these services are rough around the edges when they start out. As a developer, I can tell you from experience that it is 100% impossible to predict how a large group of people will use your software. It always has growing pains as real humans come in and tell you what they need from it. Reddit has had a long time to gather a community and to not only implement but to polish the behavior and performance of its features.

My point is that you're probably not wrong to not love lemmy or kbin yet. But that things will get better eventually, given continued community and developer investment.

A good chunk of them are just mean and want liberals to suffer because they find them annoying.

Bastards. I think he was clear. Even Russian and Chinese cops.

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You're partly right. But it's the job of the citizenry to stand up to this stuff, not the state. We can't keep our heads down and hope it goes away on its own. We shouldn't allow the state, with its monopoly on violence, to fight our social battles for us.

I dislike the idea of the state getting to start making decisions on what is "hateful". And I'm disgusted we don't have more people standing up and loudly declaring how wrong the hateful viewpoints are. It is our responsibility and we are failing.

It is a tempting proposition to let the state handle hateful speech, but we don't have to look much further than Florida to see what happens when the shit side is in power and starts redefining what is "hateful".

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Come on man, use some critical thinking and context here. He clearly is not saying that cars some kind of an issue here. He was making an idle point about traffic jams in the US with hurricane evacuations and how that doesn't apply in this situation. He's not even making a value judgement on anything here.

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I thought the point was a mental BDSM exercise where you come to others for help and are instead punished for your ignorance.

Consider switching now. Your continued usage is contributing to the user numbers they see reported that gives them the confidence to pull this shit in the first place.

So they’re using our data and also getting paid for it

Yeah? Isn't that the point of paying for a music service? I pay, they give me access to music and curate it in a way that would be enjoyable to me. How could they do that without some information about me? This is a prime example of what a company should use your data for.

This logic is really sending me, man.

Hard to pick out new wall paper when your house is on fire and burning down.

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Don't worry, its just a concept design from Carota. Zero chance this gets out the door.

You'd probably open yourself up to magazine poisoning that way. Would be easy enough for a troll to spin up a new community or entire new server that helpfully drops spam into magazines with the same name. I think I would prefer users be able to create meta-magazines that will aggregate posts from multiple federated/local sources.

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we're returning now. all hail ActivityPub and personal blogs and self hosting.

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Cape is cape. [mr_incredible_pounding_table_meme.jpg]

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I would suggest actually naming the license under which it is released if you're talking about the website that is generated by your software. If you're talking about the content of a website describing your project, like a landing page or something like that, I'd either attribute copyright to who wrote the content, or release it under a Creative Commons license such as CC-BY-NC.

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FYI, Publii is really good. It supports importing existing WordPress blogs and has a familiar interface. Great for those that don't need built in comments and can use something like Cactus (if you like Matrix).

Yeah, lol. Who could have seen that coming?

I guess Microsoft.

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HOW. WHAT POLICY? What, Ron, will you do that will "push back against leftism"?

Being mean to trans and gay people. That's the policy.

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So now we wait until one of the supreme court justices to miss a package from Amazon and declare the strike unconstitutional.

Judging by the crash test videos of the Cybertruck, this does not surprise me in the least. Why make cars safe when you could just not save some money?

He said it, everyone.

I think the confusion is coming from the fact that cis and trans really only have context of an expectation. In this case, it would be the expectation of society.

You are correct that if you identify as a woman or a man, you are a woman or man. If you have a penis, or a vagina, or some mix or lack of those, then those are just parts of your body and that isn't really up to interpretation.

In broad strokes, society expects your body parts (penis, vagina) to correspond to how you identify (man, woman). Humans are kind of just built this way. Our brains take a lot of shortcuts and categorize the world around us. It is statistically likely that if you have a penis, you identify as a man.

As we've evolved as a society, we have come to understand and recognize that these statistically likely correlations not always hold up (it's just likely, not a guarantee, after all). So cis and trans are descriptors of whether or not the correlation between your gender identity and your physical characteristics match (cis) or don't match (trans) society's expectations.

The venture capitalists that have funded these programs at a loss for years have decided they want to see a return.

There is a disproportionate amount of wealth concentrated in the older generation and those who will inherit it will probably be even worse with that money than the last generation.

Don't worry, this isn't going to happen. Inheritance, I mean. Almost all of that generations wealth is going to be eaten by elder care. At $10k per month, and zero of that being covered by Medicare until you're basically destitute, nursing homes are going to demolish that store of wealth and their descendants will be left with nothing.

It was corrupted in much the same way the stock market was corrupted. That whole thing is mostly speculative gambling now, when it was supposed to about profit sharing with companies that were either sound investments currently with steady profits or up-and-coming companies that had potential. Now it's just casino gambling betting on prices that are completely divorced from reality that expects infinite growth of made up value.

The software landscape for XMPP isn't the best. I twisted the arms of my immediate family and have them using XMPP messaging with a Snikket server I set up, and we've had lots of issues between OMEMO support and the lack of good messaging clients for iOS. It works, but it isn't the smooth-out-of-the-box experience that non-techies want/need.

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why tf they weren’t getting arrested

Because being an asshole isn't illegal in America. And you wouldn't want it to be, either.

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"be as big of an asshole as you can, then when we 'push you out' we can undo 5% of what has happened and will look like heroes"