rule_irl to – 11 points –

I don't think that's how graphs work smh my my head

as despair increases, hopes decrease. makes sense 2 me

I'm not going to write a paragraph on this but (lord forgive me I actually am)

If we're seeing a direct relation between hope and despair then there really shouldn't be troughs and peaks there should be a consistent pattern (most likely either a linear progression or a curve of some kind)

Since despair is considered to be the opposite of hope however they're likely measuring the same variable and the likely context of this graph is actually that the y-axis should read as 'despair -> hope', and the x-axis should read 'time' or some other category of measurement

i really love how seriously you're analyzing this. i mean that unironically. the internet is a weird place and i love it.

that said, i don't think despair is the opposite of hope. in fact, i think despair can drive a kind of wild and panicked hope.