3 Post – 91 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Uno reverse card.

Looks like however the data was being collected it started considering some version of windows to be unknown.

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It's amazing they lasted as long as they did considering most people there were selling access to pirated media and the such.

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If you do a search for something like "selfhost site:Lemmy.*" then you get results so the boards are definitely getting indexed. The SEO just isn't there to make it what Google thinks is a better choice when compared to other sites. That may change as these sites get used more and more things are posted and discussed but I wouldn't be surprised if the Google algorithm weighs reddit posts higher than other sites simply because reddit has become such a great resource for things.

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6 min seems about right for an enterprise server, the more you have like a raid card initialization the longer it will be. Since there devices are designed to be run for months or years without rebooting it really doesn't matter that the reboot takes as long as it does.

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You could be having a baby, that falls into the scope.

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I used the top karma holders lists to remove their posts from my feed since it was usually people posting the same thing in multiple subs. I would often have only a few posts before the marker for page 2 would show up.

That's unfortunate

Seems to be lacking, I tried searching for "defcon 28 talks" since it has a hacker news filter and it didn't return anything relevant when compared to my SearXNG search that came back with much better results. I tried it without the hacker news filter and that just made the results worse.

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He using an optional feature that lets you auto populate your reply box with the OPs username.

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Side note, did you want the symfony explorer to show up for people?\_profiler/a687ea?panel=db

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What I still don't get is why all these apps had to have a single api account for all users.

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Im still fiddling with my 3d printer to get it working after sitting on a shelf for most of a year because of a move so I can have a nice case for this but I was able to get this setup with these parts for ~$30 in parts not including the Pi and SD card. Setup was a breeze and there is some mouse lag but if you turn on the mouse dot option in TigerVNC then its not noticeable at all.

Also picked up some of these to keep it together until I get a case printed.

Future case.

This is pretty cool, make sure you go to the GitHub for it to grab the docker compose file if you want to self host since most of the documentation seems to default to the hosted version.

It's not something I would trust my mother to be able to setup but if you are a regular Linux user then it shouldn't be too hard for you.

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I haved used the heroic launcher to play games from GOG and the Epic stores without too much fuss. I even got a pirated game to play after I used a windows vm to run the extraction/unpack tool.

I use it mostly for remote access to my Windows environment that I can't run as a VM. I would like to get a cell radio addon for true out of band remote access with one of the IOT type cell plans but I need to do more research on that.

Kinda crazy this is even an issue since if you didn't want to offer your services to a protected class you could just say your not taking new business or something like that and leave out the part of why you're not taking their business.

I may move on to a private or semi privately run instance in the future but I'm definitely a fan of kbin over Lemmy and the current state of self hosting kbin is a mess. When things have gotten better on that front I will look at moving on and expanding the fediverse.

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Are there commonly used mod tools in Apollo and RIF?

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This could basically be the graph for characters people made in DND beyond.

It does seem like a silly complaint. I get it's hard for people who were used to car talk every weekend but at some point it gets stale and you move on. I'm sure there is a way to play them via streaming if you want to.

Just another sad example of the cops preying on young mentally handicapped kids to make a case.

I doubt there is a much better solution, the huge rack mounted UPS are just tons of 12v batteries wired together. I would question why your batteries are dieing so frequently, I expect to get 5+ years out of mine with light use.

This mostly, I haven't seen a compelling reason to leave my docker setup.

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There are also fan made graphics packs for the free version but they are not nearly as good as the steam version.

Works fine for me.

The problem with jailbait wasn't that it was illegal, it was just not a good look for a business trying to court advertising money.

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The developer recently added support for SearXNG and some other alternatives to Google that lets you see related bookmarks when doing a search.

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You may not have to deal with this but if you find that a cracked install isn't working then consider creating a windows vm where you unpack/install the game and then copy those files back down to your game dir.

What software? I have had a torrentleech account for years and never had to install any software other than my torrent client.

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They can be. I have a supermicro 2u server that has a 12 disk backplane that I stripped of its original mobo and fans and put in my own gear. Its pretty quiet once you replace all of the stock fans with noctua.

If it says it's not data capped then it's going to really just depend on what speed you can get up/down.

Wow I thought this was going to be a fan made marvel trailer from AI art but the actual animators using AI art is a new one.

Good night sweet prince.

I always thought the compose file is great for maintenance. You can always save the docker run commands elsewhere so at the end of the day it's more of an orchestration choice.

One of my first projects would be to setup a small Linux box that I can ssh into remotely.

Why not just take the next step and setup tailscale? That way you can learn and also not have to worry about setting up a full security stack and everything for your DMZ.
Tailscale will let you create a virtual local network so that you don't have to expose anything to the internet.

Upvotes are likes for mastodon but afaik they don't do anything in mastodon except make you feel good that people liked your post.

Shodan is a internet scanning website, it can monitor your IP for new ports open and some basic vulnerability stuff.

Burpsuite is a tool to capture network traffic, they are saying they use it to confirm all their services use end to end encryption for communication.

NGFW is next gen firewall and it's just a firewall that's able to do more than your basic in/out rules.

I know this is on at least some if not all of the app developers roadmaps but unfortunately it's going to take some time since most of them are simply working on getting a working app out the door right now. If you have any developer chops then you should definitely submit some pull requests or get active in the Matrix chatroom to help make those features a reality faster.