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Joined 1 years ago

Gonna wait a bit because I wanna make sure there aren't any crazy unforeseen side effects on humans, but this is a tremendous step forward for several environmental and ecological problems and I'm ready for a minimal-kill future.

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Just before IPO.

Right after announcing that reddit isn't profitable and his solution is a PR disaster over 3% of site traffic.

Except they have outright removed a bunch. All but two of the r/TIHI mods were purged, as an example.

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The enemy of my enemy is also my enemy.

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I don't wanna be mean to the guy who effectively just lost his job but like, come on bro. Reddit wasn't exactly hiding their negative intentions, outright lies, and lack of respect.

The fact of the matter is that I don't care if something is a monopoly as long as it's a monopoly for it's quality. Reddit used to be that, a hub for damn near all of my interests, and I used Boost to make the experience great.

But reddit is getting worse with this change, so I'm here now.

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Perhaps block the "RedditMigration" magazine if you're not interested in seeing it. It's not like this place was founded out of politeness.

Reddit is going same path like Bud Light

No, because Bud Light is only hated by weird bigots who care too much about stuff that doesn't affect them at all. Reddit is hated by normal people who never asked for their favorite discussion site to make the browsing experience worse. A better example would be Digg.

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A folder isn't "fun." Like, reddit has the Snoo alien or whatever, and they went the extra mile of letting users represent themselves with custom Snoo avatars made up of preset parts like a character creator. It's fun, and having a mascot here would be fun too.

If that's the case then they can shut it down and move to lemmygrad where at least they're not pretending to be normal people. My biggest problem with lemmy.ml is that they will enforce their beliefs with "orientalism" bans without ever saying that this will happen if you post contrary to their stances.

Personally, I hope it's intentional and leads to other places defederating lemmy.ml as a result, finally cutting them out of the mainstream instances.

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I mean, we knew he was lying before the Blackout ever happened. The Apollo dev made it pretty clear in their thread.

There are several pages in this thread so these might've been mentioned already, but

Mirror's Edge, the original.

Tomb Raider (2013) and up

If you enjoy the Ubisoft formula, Far Cry 6

Saints Row 2 and up

Mass Effect franchise before Andromeda

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Kbin currently has no functional API, which makes it much harder to develop a kbin app.

Edit: Also I'm pretty sure that one is iOS only so I can't use it 😭

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You’re safe from the big bad scary communists on Lemmy.

Kbin.social doesn't defederate lemmy.ml, so either way we're playing by their "don't say Uyghur genocide because we don't think it's real and we will ban you based on that belief" rules if we accidentally stumble into there.

This is where I would like to see individual-level instance blocking so that it doesn't show up in the home feed, same as how I can block everything that pops up in a language I don't speak.

Edit: Turns out we have that! Just found another thread showing how. On kbin, it's possible to view entire instances separately, and there's a "block" button similar to individual magazines/communities/users. To see lemmy.ml, the link would be


but replacing the lemmy.ml part with any instance should take people to that instance just the same.

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Nah, reddit is taking so long with the data requests it'd probably be easier to just ask these guys.

But seriously, this confirmation makes reddit look so much worse right now.

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#1 reason I prefer buying games on Steam. The convenience of this is insane.

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I haven't had success with this. I tried blocking feddit.de and lemmy.ml, and kept getting posts from both.

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You say this like there aren't plenty of movies and shows that don't have this problem at all, even YouTubers generally knock this out of the park.

Dialogue is one of the only things that should always be clear, it exists to tell the story and missing critical parts of that because they can't be assed to make sure it sounds half decent in more than one specific environment using one specific audio technology is not something I'm willing to support.

Yes they are. Facebook's audience is as many people as possible, because their business is advertising based on collected data. They would ideally want literally everyone on the platform, but this is the real world and lowest common denominator makes more sense from a business standpoint.

Edit: Getting celebrities and influencers on-board is basically a requirement to get the average person to care, because they're not on the platform to follow other average people.

I'm just saying, r/videos is like the perfect place to start allowing porn. So much porn is in video form.

You don't have to make excuses for an independent company that willingly took on a project and was in no way coerced into it.

It wasn't broken as hell after like two weeks of development when the critical glitches like save corruption were getting fixed. As someone who didn't overhype the game for a decade and only bought it because I knew everyone else was going to, I had a great time. It was just cool to hate the game up until the anime dropped and everyone suddenly forgot they hated it.

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They have a definition, they just won't tell the users because it's not a realistic definition and they plan to pull the rug out later on.

If third-party apps were only 3% of total traffic and reddit was willing to destroy its image and massively increase the viability of its only competitor just before IPO over it, I'm sure they'll have no problem getting rid of whatever percentage of blind people who can't see the ads reddit wants to serve anyway.

It's not gonna extinguish the fediverse in the same way nobody leaving reddit joined Mastodon as a replacement. They're technically compatible, but these are entirely different styles of sites we're talking about. Lemmy and Kbin are gonna keep on trucking regardless of what happens to the Twitter-likes.

But they're definitely going to try and kill Mastodon/similar through social engineering. Everybody's favorite content creators, organizations, and brands will be on Threads, not Mastodon, and when they lock it down we'll lose access to them and end up needing a Threads account. I don't understand why anyone trusts this company won't try to secure market dominance and then monopolize it. The guy says "we'll just be right back where we are now," but this could easily decrease the Mastodon population by pulling away anyone who doesn't care about federation or open source and just wanted a decent Twitter alternative.

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Votes are public here, as are moderator actions, so we can actually see everything going on, including empty accounts only used to bot upvote stuff. In addition, not every platform works the same way. Some have upvotes and downvotes, some only have upvotes, some are wonky like kbin where upvotes don't count toward reputation but boosts do, etc. An upvote isn't just an upvote like it is on reddit. They also can't "enshittify" something that users can self-host their own instances of to interact.

Edit: Also, we're in the early stages right now, reddit has a decade lead.

I'm just saying, they do this and also demanded r/piracy open back up, so shouldn't that mean reddit is now involved with piracy and should be gone after by media companies?

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The upper hand of Facebook getting BTFO. I don't like mentioning the quote about his Harvard data collection because people post it all the time and it feels overused, but I feel it's particularly relevant here:

Zuck: People just submitted it.

Zuck: I don't know why.

Zuck: They "trust me"

Zuck: Dumb fucks.

I'd rather we not repeat the same mistake. This time we know full well not to trust him, and I say this as someone with a considerable amount invested in Meta right now.

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I've seen Kbeans and I think it's both funny and useful. Cartoony beans would make a great snoo replacement, both in logo and if Ernest plans on adding an equivalent to reddit's user snoos.

And vice versa, if someone's on Lemmy and I'm on kbin, we're using the same shared content pool as long as we're federated and thus we don't have to worry about sites "dying." I can't browse reddit without going to reddit, but I can browse lemmy instances with whatever fediverse instance I please.

Honestly, what's really important to me is that my top stuff was deleted, rather than all the other horseshit I posted day to day on reddit. As much as possible would be good, but what I really want is to leave behind holes in major discussions, turning the place into Emmentaler. Thankfully, this is my third account wipe so I'm not that worried.

Edit: Plus I haven't actually deleted my account yet and continually run a delete script every time I see comments come back. Hell, I cleared it out early today manually at work while I had free time.

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Because it was never for the "privately owned company" that they were doing the work, it was for the communities. Reddit was just a site where people could go to talk about their favorite subjects or discuss news posted by the users, reddit the company never did anything to improve the site and often made it worse instead.

If reddit is going to make claim that the communities aren't community-run and are instead owned and regulated by reddit, then mods deserve actual wages and employee status.

Or fediverse logos, since reddit seems very unhappy that people are telling redditors how to switch to alternatives.

They wouldn't be doing this if Sony hadn't kept doing it and the gaming community kept trashing the Xbox One for "not having exclusives." Phil Spencer has gone on record saying that he doesn’t like exclusives.

They're just playing the game by its rules.

People never cared. Just look at CoD, MWII was the fastest-selling game in franchise history and it's the same company. People don't give a damn unless it personally affects them.

Despite the "no microtransactions" label, the communication all-around for the cosmetics kinda sucks and I want to clarify some stuff.

  1. While there is an absolute ton of stuff to unlock in-game, a bunch of armors and handful of weapon skins are labeled stuff like "VIPs only" and "Veterans only."
  2. In reality, most of that stuff is available via the "Supporter Pack" for $20. The only exceptions here are some scoreboard icons and anything labeled "Veterans only" or "Content Creator only."
  3. Despite plenty of paid/event/status cosmetics being shown in the menus, that's not actually everything. For example, there are currently Twitch drops available to get purple gun skins for a bunch of weapons.

But unlike games like CoD, you can ignore the vast majority of this shit and just play. There's no in-game store or anything, you load the game up and they just go "here's all the available quickplay modes and the community servers button, have fun."

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The only things Annapurna has made up until now have been exclusivity deals. This is their first game that's actually theirs.

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The fact that this is the state the franchise is in is precisely why I won't be playing it any time soon. I don't want to completely reconfigure my gaming setup to accommodate moving my bedroom PS5 to my desk to play long story titles like this, so I get to play the waiting game instead. Bonus points if they go for secondary Epic exclusivity, because the HITMAN III launch was such a disaster on PC that I'd really rather not buy anything else from there.

It's just an unnecessary hassle and, as someone who only recently got into the franchise with XV, it's actively preventing me from bothering to really stick with it instead of just playing another Yakuza or something.

Edit: Like I'm sure it's not an issue for 90% of people but I literally cannot be assed to go out of my way just because they chose not to make it convenient.

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Considering the last time they released anything with official mod support was Skyrim SE (the non-Switch, non-VR versions) I'm surprised to see them mention mod support at all, especially considering that Gamepass will almost assuredly break script extenders in some way.

Make a product, make it good

I hypothesize that if this worked, Xbox would be outselling right now. From a features standpoint, Xbox has been on the ball for years trying to improve their platform. Backwards compatibility, a cheap 1080p console to go along with their 4K flagship, 1440p support from day one of this generation instead of taking nearly two years to put it in, Xbox Adaptive Controller and Copilot for accessibility, Series X|S having Xbox One controller compatibility, replaceable controller batteries so that slow controller death isn't an issue, Microsoft Rewards exists to get stuff like Xbox giftcards for just playing games and typing shit into Bing, a fully-featured Chromium-based browser (meaning you can do pretty much anything on there that you could do on a normal browser, like GeForce Now or browser games like this (and yes, it works with the Xbox controller on the console), Gamepass (specifically Ultimate, which comes with hundreds of games on its own, EA Play Basic, a bunch of stuff for Riot Games games, game streaming, "perks" like game DLC, movies, and trials for services, and more point-gaining opportunities for MS Rewards), and on top of all of that, you can pay $20 for developer access and install emulators for pretty much any console Xbox 360 or below.

On the PlayStation end, they also have a lot of great features, like the DualSense controller (built-in controller microphone is a super nice-to-have, the DualSense haptics are sick as fuck when they get used to the fullest, and they've got gyro functionality for console users wanting to play with gyro aim in competitive shooters), the fancy PS+ guides feature, the most high-end VR headset on the market, and I really appreciate them not using a proprietary expansion format that completely fucks people all the way from launch until like a couple of weeks ago when Seagate exclusivity runs out finally, but that's about where my praise of the platform itself ends (Edit: The monthly PS+ games are also way better than the XBLG games, which is excellent for people who don't want the Netflix-style subscriptions but do pay the online fee).

The real value to people seems to come pretty much just from what games are on the platform. So,

and people pick what they need based on WHAT THEY ACTUALLY NEED.

they actually are. People just wanna be able to play the cool new games, and Xbox hasn't had any in a long time. Starfield might actually be the first game since the Xbox One where a large amount of people are pissed off that it's exclusive to Xbox, whereas PlayStation gets game after game that Xbox gamers would really like to have. Hence, exactly why they bought Bethesda and made Starfield exclusive.

I feel as if this is the first real sign that this shit has had an impact. Minecraft isn't a small community by any means, and them ditching the huge subreddit over this is shocking.