1 Post – 163 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Fuck Google.

Searching a tracking number from Chrome using Google? Finds a package.

Same search on Google from Firefox leads to nothing.

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I fucking hate data caps - no reason they should exist in this day and age.

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Send in the fucking troops. When racist fucks like these tried to stop kids from going to school, that's what worked.

Fucking inbreds.

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I'm this person in my organization. I sent an email up the chain warning folks we were going to eventually run out of space about 2 years ago.

Guess what just recently happened?


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I imagine some of the problem is compassion fatigue - lots of prisoners are antisocial assholes who refuse to abide by society's rules (or they're just fucking criminally stupid).

It'd be tough to keep caring about that sort of group day in and day out.

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I'll literally never buy a Samsung phone again if these fuckers push ads to my device.

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Oh wow that's a real quote. Marketing bros are literally cancer.

Just. Write. Something.

I hate that everything has defaulted to video these days.

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You'd be told to leave. If you didn't, you'd be arrested for trespassing. And being a fuckwit.

Of course the law enforcement folks had encountered him before - it's because he's fucking batshit.

Eat them all.

This walking corpse needs to be slapped back to reality. Secession talk should get you fucked into the ground.

Traitor scum.

Yeah, definitely Americans launching missiles.

How's Mensa?

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Have we checked all the voters for hookworm?

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I fucking hate that dude but I imagine he could literally not care less what us pleebs think given that he's presently a partner in a private equity firm.

Nothing is changing until actions have actual consequences.

Send in an A-10 and let it feed.

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Someone should do this for Trump - his dumbass supporters would probably fall for it.

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This moron gets paid stupid money to kick a ball and say retarded shit.

Hooray for humanity!

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Peace will happen when Russia removes itself from it's sovereign neighbor. Until that happens, turn Russians into dog food.

You cannot give an inch.

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Is it the early 2000s again? Fuck the executives and rich folks who push for this stuff - eat them.

Would you rather these things never be reviewed? Isn't something better than nothing?

You'll literally never be able to afford (or hire) enough people to review the data they are taking in...

I mean unless we start killing billionaires and taking their shit.

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This is how I've made sense of the world... Nothing actually matters so I get to choose what matters to me.

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Parents didn't report their kids missing? They did it.

Every dollar spent on Ukraine is more Russian blood in the ground. And we get to feed the MIC.

Good ROI if you ask me.

Jesus Christ, adults can draw lines and supporting a racist traitor regime is an easy bright line.

Don't be a fucking child.

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"I'm like really fucking stupid, basically retarded, but sure I can be fair and impartial."

If you're out of preempts, there's juror number 11.


Fark got me through working nights back around 2010. I occasionally go back and check it out just for nostalgia.

Well, and if your foster system is anything like the one in my state, the system will lie to you about what the kid needs and your biological children could suddenly be at risk of being sexually abused by the foster.

Super neat.

Fuck that, I'd never risk my kids in that way.

It's all made up media bullshit that no one actually cares about.

The internet isn't real life.

Half way to being forgiven with the PSLF program.

Feels like a fair trade? A decade of public work for far less pay than I'd make in the private sector in exchange for advanced schooling.

People need to take more responsibility for their kids - if you let them online, you'd better fucking understand what that entails and if not (gasp!) don't let them on the internet.

And if that's impossible for someone then why the fuck did they reproduce in the first place?

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That last bit is the rub - if they'd made improvements with the main app or new interface, maybe I wouldn't want to use RIF... But they chose uber enshitification instead.

The amount of time people spend socializing in my office about non work is just batshit insane. It seems like an hour or two every day for a good number of folks is just 'social monkey time.'

I've learned to chit chat and play the game because otherwise you have issues but goddamn it's an unnecessary time sink that must impact productivity.

Any time another dude is more interested in someone's kids than their parents are? Alarm bells.

I get it, there are lots of well meaning men who care about kids. Unfortunately they present the same way as predators, and I err on the side of caution.

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And, most importantly, coed showers.

Fuck off China. Seriously, what are they going to do? Paper Tiger.

Why won't he fucking die already.

Go fuck yourself, Putin.

Good list but 7 seems wrong.

Studies I've read for work suggest that around 1 in 10 men have experienced unreported sexual abuse. Same studies suggest the statistic is 1 in 5 women, which is much worse, but it does a disservice to male victims to suggest ten percent is 'negligible.'

(as someone whose crotch was aggressively groped by a female in college and never reported I'm admittedly a bit sensitive)

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Because some folks really seem to like power? And emotion is a solid button to press because a lot of folks are irrational monkeys.

Edit: most - > a lot of

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