Fake Joe Biden robocall tells New Hampshire Democrats not to vote on Tuesday

MicroWave@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 376 points –
Fake Joe Biden robocall tells New Hampshire Democrats not to vote on Tuesday

The call, an apparent imitation or digital manipulation of the president's voice, says, "Voting this Tuesday only enables the Republicans in their quest to elect Donald Trump again."

A prominent New Hampshire Democrat plans to file a complaint with the state attorney general over an apparent robocall that appears to encourage supporters of President Joe Biden not to vote in Tuesday’s presidential primary.

The voice in the message is familiar — even presidential — as it’s an apparent imitation or digital manipulation of Biden’s voice.

“What a bunch of malarkey,” the voice message begins, echoing a favorite term Biden has uttered before.


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Someone should do this for Trump - his dumbass supporters would probably fall for it.

There’s nothing you could make a fake Trump say that could be worse than what he has already said. Conservatives like the fact that he’s a piece of shit. It gives them permission to be pieces of shit, too.

It doesn't have to be worse; it just has to reach a different conclusion. In this example, you don't need to convince a Trump voter to abandon him, just not vote for him.

To be clear, I don't support such a move. I'm just discussing the effectiveness of a strategy.

Have Trump say he has decided to support abortion and gay marriage. There will be enough outrage from the simpletons that it might sway a few.

In my experience, they are more likely to convince themselves that they've always supported those, and it's the "demonrats" that opposed it.

Or else they'll dismiss it as saying what people want to hear, and that when he said the opposite is when he was being honest.

Trump supporters rarely care about actual policy.

Not all of us Republicans are conservative.

You’ve clearly noticed the overwhelming number of conservatives who are pieces of shit, and instead of acknowledging that the movement itself is rotting, you asked, “how can I make this about me?” I can’t decide if you’re just virtue signaling, or trying to deflect the conversation into some rhetorical nonsense about offending the reasonable conservatives.

Don't worry, I am not easily offended. Nor am I conservative.

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