4 Post – 154 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Autistic, agender, formerly abused child

Healthcare, electoral college, how supreme court justices are elected, first past the post voting system.

Edit: and the self assurance to nitpick a foreigner over the details of how justices come into their job.

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Telling me I should forgive/contact my abusive exfamily. Especially after knowing me for less than 30 mins and them not at all.

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You're a real woman and anyone who questions it is loosing touch with their humanity.

I was born into an abusive "family". Fled into my head. Became the quiet brainy kid. Underfed and sleep deprived but did well in school and most people ignored the abuse.

Eventually studied at university, very high achieving, still hiding in my head. Super awkward with people. Autism didn't help. The awareness that I was autistic made several light bulbs go on in my head.

I stopped contact with all of the exfamily and after uni wanted to focus on healing the trauma. Picked up several chronic diseases, realized I was non binary, got adopted by a cat.

Currently fighting to be able to work, if I manage I'll not go for academics as I always thought I would but for helping animals. Trying to get out of head. Have emotions, talk to people.

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In Europe the US healthcare system is seen as a joke and medieval. Same for most social services I'm the US. Like somebody else said I stopped feeling sympathy a while ago.

They wanted to switch over to a subscription model. I assume many people like me who used to use infinity just bailed.

Edit: I actually dug up the source for this. It still worked for non subscribers until now. Apparently that will stop on august 30th. The headline is misleading. Starting in September it will be the aforementioned subscription model.

that's the same party that thinks life is sacred and is also pro death penalty.

I'm especially fascinated by the gendered difference in whether you get to keep your titles. So transitioning one way means you keep your chess muscles? But not the other? Transness itself isn't the problem then?? I'd love to hear them attempt to justify that rule.

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That's what you should say to the transphobe.

Thoughts and prayers!

  • a trans person

It's fascinating that reddit is still continuing it's crusade against moderators after their attempts to find new moderators are so extremely successful. You'd think you can only shoot yourself in the foot so often.

flicks tongue

The mobile site, however, still shows an annoying popup asking users if they want to open a post in the app, as many users pointed out under the announcement post.

So the page looks prettier while harassing you to download the ad and tracker infested app? That's EXACTLY the improvement everybody was waiting for!

I'm still amazed at how they somehow seemed to make it actively worse.

my personal hypothesis is that the empathic and constructive people are exactly the ones driven away by the money hungry deconstructing antics that reddit leadership currently display.

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As somebody vaccinated and autistic I'm VERY disappointed my autism didn't level up when I got another vaccine.

Also from Germany. Some american news and media sites do that.

shit behaviour is one thing the mods are another. I've seen plenty of communities on reddit where the users hated the mods and eventually left and formed their own sub. the fediverse already encourages multiple parallel communities for the same topic. so i hope we can get around the worst of reddit by seeking out and creating healthier communities. Leave the power mods behind.

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"overconfident willful ignorance"

Well if that isn't projection.

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My exfather deliberately cooked food I didn't like to prove I actually like it and just do it for attention. He's a trained chef. It started when I was three and only stopped when I moved out and stopped eating his meals.

I really like this comic. Aside from being non binary and maybe asexual I'm also autistic, academically gifted and chronically ill (and if you want to stretch it, left handed). I'm in varying stages of coming out for these and for some I heavily resent having to come out. Gender identity is where I feel the worst resentment. If it was more normal to expect people to be queer it would be way less dangerous or not even necessary. The individual incidence of queer identities is rare but if you take all versions of queerness it's not that rare anymore.

Good to hear an update on the issues that blind moderators face even if it is not a very positive one. And of course they came up with fancy stickers and flairs for helpful mods for a community where Admins are supposed to help mods. That's what the mods really needed!

Chronically ill person checking in to mention people with my autoimmune disorder died a slow painful death in the past or ate pig thyroid. And people with endometriosis just spent their days in intense agony (some/many still do because current medical treatment doesn't work for them).

The federal government has almost no regulations against groundwater pumping, and individual states have weak, variable rules from region to region, per the Times. Arizona is no exception. For most of its history, groundwater has been unregulated in much of the state, operating on a first come first serve basis, according to the National Audubon Society. This means no limit on how much groundwater can be used, and people can simply drain the groundwater until it runs out, Cook said. Also, it's rare to find studies of groundwater on a national scale. Most of the time research focuses on a single source or region.


I have a friend in Udaipur where the Indians created several water collecting basins in like medieval times to combat freshwater shortage. Even if we assumed climate change wasn't solvable (it obviously is) this particular effect could be mitigated.

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Most of the things in this thread about claws, the vet and medication dodo already understands. I'd tell her that I'd want her to have a different meow for when she's in pain and tell me where/what hurts as good as she can. Also that she's my emotional support animal just as much as she is mine, that she changed my life for the better, that I'm happy when she plays and that she is a good kitty and my most important person. She knows the last things but has trouble accepting them, I'd hope telling her with words she understands would help it along.

Their complete inability to read the room is impressive. Like I'm autistic and I've never been this unable. They really have a special skill to self sabotage with that. I'm in awe in the worst possible way.

Wearing gender non conforming clothes (turns out I'm non binary, so I doubled down), not wanting to be around ex family (also doubled down), not wanting kids (cats don't count right? ❤️), being a nerd.

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I inherited a complete loss of the sweet tooth kicking in in the early 20s. Child me would be horrified.

Through a disease I also started liking onions which I hated with a passion before.

I think 7 years? I browsed reddit for a while before that reading up on my interests but eventually I created an account. Spent a LOT of time on subs for people who were abused as children. Therapy was used against me as part of the abuse. I am triggered by therapists now -.-" so these online self help spaces were a major part of my journey to understand and start recovery. It became a cornerstone to help me become a person.

Eventually several of these subs had a lot of internal drama. Back then I felt fealty to these communities and tried super hard to fix it. No avail. In a way I did my reorienting and mourning my lost community back then. I cut back on reddit use like 80% already going from many hours a day to maybe a few times a week? I'd still engage if something caught my attention. Especially in the refugee subs about childhood abuse that sprung up.

The recent protests brought that down to "only if I need some specific information". Maybe twice a month? I don't engage at all anymore. I also didn't feel like talking to a brick wall again to attempt to fix an online place. The rhethoric and even some methods between spez and some mods I tangled with is similar enough. I just left this time around. Let my actions speak. I can't bring my self to delete my comments tho.

I still miss a place where people intuitively get what I've been through because they have similar stories. And I'd like to pass it forward some more. I haven't found anything similar on the fediverse yet. But I'm in a place where I don't need it much anymore. It's still just sad that a handful of humans can destroy communities like this. It had such a big impact on my life.

Thanks for reading my sad ramblings!

I think many male idols in kpop manage to pull off cute very well. Taemin from shinee for example.

When they defend rapists.

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I'm autistic, depending on how intense sensory issues are that day: sunglasses, noise canceling headphones, stim toys and if it's really bad a teddy bear.

I'm also the one idiot who still wears a mask. In full gear I'm quite the sight.

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They made noises about wanting to change the trans law as soon as they got elected and formed the coalition. The longer the process dragged on the less optimistic I was. And I'm now at the point where I wonder if I should change my legal gender at all. It's not like people suddenly act like non binary people exist anyway.

Is there a lemmy best of where thus can be reposted? It's that awesome.

I certainly see elements of that in the neurodiverse spaces as well.

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Yeah. I was reminded of the sports "debate" as well. Chess is one of the sports where you wonder why they have a gender division in the first place. Are they afraid of loosing to trans people or women (cis and trans)?

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At this point I'm pulling out the popcorn to follow which other corner of their product they will set on fire next. Not a single good decision since the protest that I can recall.

Sitting on the couch with no energy to do anything.

I also use queer. I'm agender, I don't indentify with any gender and I've given up figuring out whether the term "trans" applies to me or not. But I'm queer. That's nice and easy to use in conversation.

If it helps I also was firmly over 30 when I figured it out.

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And as if somehow it's a requirement to dismiss other women's stories of assault to qualify for feminity.