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Joined 1 years ago

Seriously please go to the dentist and take care of your teeth. My parents stopped taking me to the dentist when I was 16 and I didn't return till I was 30. I had developed a massive anxiety over it and couldn't even look at myself in the mirror because I was terrified to look into my mouth. I got off relatively lucky but for the love of God go to the dentist

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I wanted Star Citizen to work out so badly. In 2012(ish? I don't remember exactly) when I first heard of the game I backed it because a space game where you weren't just your ship but could move around and board other ships sounded like my perfect space game. Now it looks like Starfield may fill that want perfectly. Who knows though maybe one day in the future Star Citizen will actually release.

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So on lower hazard levels the game can be pretty easy/slow which gives you plenty of opportunity to learn the ins and outs or to get a warmup mission in. However haz 3 always felt like a good sweet spot where it has challenges but even if you haven't played in a week you aren't gonna get toppled. I also wouldn't consider DRG a game that you would ever need to "practice" to play other than maybe haz 5? But being able to play haz 5 is more about proper loadout and just knowing what to do.

Wow you named nearly every game I was gonna recommend! My only addition would be Shadow Empire. It's a 4x game set on a post apocalyptic planet that is procedural generated. The game has terrible graphics and a brutal learning curve but it's a blast and has wonderful role-playing elements as well as good strategy.

I just got back into OSRS. I played it like crazy when I was a kid and was looking for something to kill time at work. I don't know what it is but it is satisfying to watch those numbers slowly go up!

Shit sucks man. I've used Rif for longer than I can even remember. I never once used the official app or even view Reddit in my desktop.