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Joined 1 years ago

The internet is almost unrecognizable from what it was 20 years ago.

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Isn't that kind of the point? You don't get very far hiding in a social setting. You're on a public website talking to other people. Your posts should be public, comments, etc. At least people should treat all websites or apps they didn't develop personally like they're public. I mean you don't really have a right to privacy in public.

And I'm not trying to say this with some malicious tone or anything but it's just my view on it.

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Genius and insanity are close bedfellows.

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Yeah. One ethnic group is responsible for all the bad things. I wish people like you stayed on Reddit.

This guy would be three steps ahead of the PR. Dude publicly mocked a guy in a wheelchair who also happened to have a 100 million dollar clause if he was fired, which he was, publicly, on Twitter while having his HIPAA information released by his CEO because he thought he was malingering.

What PR firm could get ahead of that ONE day, let alone so many others of that level of holy shit? Not one that wants to stay profitable since he's supposedly stiffing other companies they do business with.

To me it seems like the 2000s and 2010s when all those companies got massive and laid off middle management. Then those short sighted assholes got jobs elsewhere and poisoned those ponds.

RIF was part of my life for a decade. It's crazy how emotional this experience has been. It feels like losing a home, a community, everything because some fuckface won't find a compromise.

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Arguably the location data has several purposes, and needs to be collected but shouldn't have been available for sale. It's bad enough you can't keep law enforcement out of it but even worse when random businesses get the information.

That said, in this day and age, it should be a no brainier that your phone is a tracking device for multiple organizations and we should all keep that in mind

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I will never forget how the entire republican primary consisted of all of them basically forecasting the future under him while he's just sitting there being a dumb, smug fuckface shit talking all of them, Christie included then turned around and kissed his ass thankfully, gluttonously, with absolute enthusiasm for 4 years. Christie included.

What an appalling shit show.

I think it's fine to have theories but for a lot of the "conspiracy theorists", it's a philosophy, a religion, an ideology independent of reality. It requires belief, faith and a lot of mental gymnastics to believe you know the truth and everyone else is absolutely blind to it. And people build their personalities on these things and then you just get to a point where to admit you're wrong would mentally destroy you.

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The old Facebook app was the first one to convince my phone listens in on my conversations. I haven't touched anything Facebook since 2013.

I feel like playing No Doubt's Don't Speak on repeat. It is a weird collective mourning we're going through.

I'm on kbin. It's just... lightweight reddit basically. I dig it. The one thing we're all going to lose is the content from 15 years of reddit though. Can't just magically recreate or replace that in any short time frame.

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I mean, thunderbird has been around forever and it's never done me dirty.

I use it because 22 years ago it was more appealing than redhat or Mandrake. It forced me to learn more about Linux because I had to resolve almost everything myself than any other distro. I was using before it had a package manager and honestly after the dependency hell of rpms in 2000s it just seemed more problematic to use one that resolved dependencies than not. Usually I used to and sometimes still use it for a nice base to compile everything on. I dunno. It's my Linux equivalent to my first car that I loved.

Jesus Christ. You sound like one of my old in person support clients.

Man. I should doom scroll reddit and Lemmy and kbin as a reaction video to this defining moment of a generation. Please like a subscribe to more filler content I didn't actually work to create.

Of which 96.7% are rule 34 artistic renderings.

Acting like there's only one true community and anyone else would have malicious intent. Jesus Christ man.

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"Market trends". One greedy dipshit does it and the rest follow suit. Like spez looking up to Elon.

Odd that the former jailbait mod is against free access to nsfw content.

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It's the cost of doing business. You know you will be caught and you know how much they love to make big deals out of it, so... Adapt and overcome

I have been full time remote since the pandemic and I know I'm in the minority when I say it's terrible. I don't have much social contact. I used to be able to walk over and directly talk things out with coworkers, shoot the shit, ask for a hand with stuff but it's gone. I smoke more weed, fuck off about the same amount but it's the lack of socialization since the pandemic that's killing me. I don't have much in the way of friends or family. I'm single, broke and just isolated as all hell. It's so hard to keep track of time or the days because nothing changes. It's hard to have a clear work/home divide when there's nothing to really denote it. My office and my studio apartment are the same place so the only real breaks are when I go wandering around aimlessly outside.

I mean I hate my job and the work I do so that doesn't help but I'm losing my mind over here because of the isolation.

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I mean think of Hollywood or sports. Most people don't do those things but they do consume it.

Some people, as unfortunate as it is, can be honest and sincere by saying that they didn't know how the colosseum is.

Beef rawhide, the keto substitute for sour cream

I've been raped and it's hard to have honest conversations now days because of this superficial escapism. It's definitely not an easy subject to discuss but hearing people say shit like "They've been graped" or "r@ped" seems to cheapen the gravity of the word and the experience. It's a word and topic that should make people uneasy and uncomfortable. On the same token people should be mature enough to see and hear these things or mature enough to leave, move on or skip it if they aren't able to handle it.

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Who keeps asking for old games to be remade every couple of years? I'd like new IP and games, not be sold repolished games that were once good but after a decade, lose their replayability.

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I'm currently overthinking the future, my identity, what I want and need going forward, what reasons to keep going forward, if this is the best I can do, why I'm afraid of most of life, and a bunch of other shit.


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Right? The implication here is pretty fuckin' terrible

That's a unix wizard beard level Dad joke

Reddit was easy and having run Slackware, anywhere you can save time so you can make more tweaks is just the name of the game.

IRC doesn't have gif support and let's be honest. Emojis might be an optional requirement for some people, but gifs are the foundation of communication for a lot of people these days.

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I keep saying it but this is more emotional than I would have thought. It's an end to an era. And RIF and the other apps helped us all connect, laugh, cry, vent, argue, meme and stuff together. The app devs were as much responsible for the success and entertainment of reddit as reddit itself. It's a weird.

Ya know, I have been asking myself that for two weeks now I have learned that over time I have completely lost sight of having passions, deep interests and stuff. I guess it's time to try to rediscover those things because it's hard to get out of bed in the morning.

Multiple stab wound pot pie.

Conversely, why not if they can track my online activity, social media presence, shopping and voting habits. I mean they listen to conversations I'm having to make recommendations for ads so why not read my email too? Shit, they probably have enough information to just guess what's there based off like 7 pieces of data. Or maybe they agree they won't but you'll use a browser that'll read it as you do.

That said if you're not paying for your email or anything else, you're the product and arguably letting businesses read your email is the tradeoff, which is crazy that we ever collectively agreed to that for so long.

Devil's advocate but Edge is just reskinned and revamped chrome so it's not the worst thing imaginable.