Openreads is looking for funding for IOS development. to Open – 96 points –
GitHub - mateusz-bak/openreads-android: A mobile books tracker written in Flutter that respects your privacy.

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They miss some critical features like tracking series and since they only offer integration with Open Library most of your books will have to be added manually.

Once fixes their API, it would be nice to see an integration with Openreads.

I guess the point is being open-source and integrating with open-source projects. Is this the case with LibraryThing? 🤔

It's not, and it's run by a private for-profit corporation, but once they re-enable their API it doesn't really matter for the purpose of scraping the data. Open data is open data, and integration is just a hook, not part of the core functionality of the app.


Out of interest, how often do you find issues looking for books on OpenLibrary?

I gave up on using any site for tracking books, they all either have partial functionality or limited database. These days, I just use SQLite database with a custom Python scraper that I turned into a basic website that offers everything I need.

But last time I checked Openreads, it missed 9 out of 10 books. That's 10% success rate.