Trump, Who Destroyed Roe, Thinks He Can Run As an Abortion 'Moderate' in 2024 to politics – 563 points –
Trump, Who Destroyed Roe, Thinks He Can Run As an Abortion 'Moderate' in 2024

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The election you are talking about was between her and Trump so how does Bernie even factor into that? He doesn’t. Silly.

You said Sanders would have won, but he didn't even win with Democrats /shrug.

I wanted Hillary lol. She's my favorite politician of all time, and probably will be until Butti peaks.

I understand you disagree, but you're one person and numbers don't lie

Nah never said that lmfao

Sanders had vision and understood what Americans want. Clinton is a fuckin neolib shill scum and people saw through it. lukewarm tepid fuckin trash politics with no goal but status quo and her own pay outs.

By the way your favorite politicians scumbag friend died.

Clinton is a fuckin neolib shill scum

Most Americans disagree with you.

apparently not

Clinton literally won a majority of votes.

holy fuck lmfao

the DNC shoved her in, hence why bernie didn't abdicate which is odd and not something typically done because he knew it was trash.

then she lost to Trump.

so what the fuck are you talking about? she was a "not trump" vote and the DNC forced her win in the primaries.

if she really had a chance she'd run again, she isn't because she won't win because nobody wants her lmfao

the DNC shoved her in

She won by 3 million votes.

No she didn't? You're delusional.

It is like talking to an actual retard lmfao

Bernie won every state Clinton would go on to lose. It is known the DNC ran everything past her campaign during primaries. I have no idea where you get this 3 million number but it's a lie you're the only one buying.

Nobody wanted Clinton, she was carried by the DNC and every state she lost to Trump Bernie bested her in, literally most swing states. The proof is there babe you're arguing with yourself and you know it lol

. Bernie won every state Clinton would go on to los

Bernie lost to Clinton. Full stop. Bernie couldn't even get a plurality of votes in the primary.

Bernie was dead in the water period.

He woulda beat Trump though would've won the states Clinton lost because she was uninspiring hence Jill Stein's great showing as a third party, even Rand Paul did well.

You weren't there though you literally don't know lmfao and now her career is over, why? because nobody likes her