Chinese prisoner’s ID card apparently found in lining of Regatta coat

Lee to World – 398 points –
Chinese prisoner’s ID card apparently found in lining of Regatta coat

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Satellites to... See people?

Yes, and prison camps and other structures, changes in landscape over time, and so on. I'm sure if you really think hard you'll come up with all sorts of ways to get information out of a country when you don't trust the numbers the government there is giving, especially if you think in terms of having lots of resources. Check out how people in North Korea get access to the unfiltered internet and western media, for example; similar techniques are used to exfiltrate data to piece together the whole picture.

What granularity do you think satellites shoot at?

An opinion piece with no quantitative analysis? Nice.

Your question was

What granularity do you think satellites shoot at?

If you are truly unable to divine the answer to your question from the article from a reputable source that talks about the privacy implications of satellites that can track individual human movements I am happy to spell it out for you:

I don't think, I know that satellites are capable of tracking individual human movements. There are specialized satellites for different types of information gathering, such as those that can identify an individual by their biometrics ( Combine that with imaging in the electromagnetic spectrum, the infrared spectrum, on-the ground spies, unauthorised access to local network infrastructure (hacking), and you can pretty quickly figure out if you're looking at a hundred thousand people in an area, or a million.

Honestly, this is pretty easy stuff to research. Did you just not bother, or?

It's called context.

Your replies make no sense. If you're not a troll, work on that. If you are a troll, well... 🤡

You're not looking at the other comments before replying. Understandably, since it's a long thread, but I'd recommend you start reading from the first comment