So how long until the Fediverse is monetized? to No Stupid – 599 points –

I'm fairly new and don't 100% understand it yet, but instances are run on servers that require money. Are we heading towards seeing ads or subscriptions to raise funds instead of relying on donations to cover overhead?

Especially with the influx of new users. Hardware upgrades are needed.


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Even with these servers being paid for that's kind of rough. It's very hard to decentralize something reliable with solid data retention without paying.

well it kind of works for piracy, but that's because there are some very based people out there who take a lot of pride in seeding content that they want to keep available. Sort of like how the fediverse currently rests upon the shoulders of a few dedicated people who work hard to keep their instances alive under the onslaught of reddit refugees. I'd much rather have a system that doesn't depend on people's goodwill to survive though