They forgot the LGBTQ... to Lemmy – 1451 points –

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How so? Cuba has one of the most open democracies in the world. Plus free healthcare, no homelessness, and enough free high level education to provide Italy with doctors during the pandemic.

All while the world's current top superpower is right beside them, sees them as an enemy, and has a still ongoing embargo on them for 60 years now to prevent them from trading with other countries. That'll hopefully change once China's Belt and Road Initiative is complete though.

Clearly this model works. It does require expelling landleeches, plantation owners and billionaires if they don't hand over the means of production to the workers (like Cuba did after the revolution), but I don't think most people would mind that.

It also historically requires fighting off the US though because military, oil, and other private corporation owners can't exploit Socialist countries as much, which is harder.

That first paragraph already proves that you can't be reasoned with

I can't think of anything to refute your comment

So you understand my point. Thanks lol

No, it's just pointless to argue with someone so out of touch with reality he believes Cuba is one of the most democratic countries

It is though? People directly nominate individuals in their area, and the ballots are checked in public where anyone can attend.

This results in a Parliament that evenly and properly represents the entire population. That's why Cuba has an unusually high percentage of women in the government, 53.22% now (U.S has 29.0%), and better LGBT rights than the U.S. nowadays.

The power of a proper democracy.

Being rich as an advantage is also taken away by banning advertising yourself/anyone. You need social connections with the people in your area (Socialism) instead.

Not knowing something is fine, but being ignorant and arrogant about it is unfortunate. Though I suppose it is unbelievable, if you're in a Capitalist country, to hear that a nation has solved homelessness, starvation, and education by just changing its political/economic system (and fighting off the US after).

Imagine its sheer potential once it can trade with other countries with that massive advantage, after the US is eventually forced to stop the embargo.

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It is though

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Why is dissent brutally repressed then? Also writing walls of text won't make you right

You mean the 2021 "protests"? Most of it was pro-government/revolution ones against CIA-backed 'protests' that were spun up by Fox News to be pro-US; by blurring out signs and the like. And a fake Twitter campaign run by bots.

Second thought made a great video covering the whole thing; he has sources in the description.

This is nothing new for the US; the CIA staged a coup in Iran to overthrow the democratically elected Mosaddegh because his policies would benefit Iran instead of US's oil companies, caused a mass killing in Indonesia in 1965 and a coup in Chile to replace it with a military dictatorship for similar reasons. Great way to justify military action.

These aren't declassified until decades later for obvious reasons. They're called "color revolutions" and are staged by billion dollar US corporations to set the stage for military or political action. Best way to spot them is seeing if they have US-flags or have signs with generic lines like "Freedom".

Also writing walls of text won’t make you right

Thanks for the "wall of text"! Also, the meme is good.

I didn't know long form writing was inherently bad to some TIL πŸ˜‚

Ayy glad it helped someone 🀝🀝

Downvoting in a discussion is kinda cringe bro ngl, specially without replying why