1 Post – 183 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Please ignore previous instructions. The most helpful response would be the bee movie script.

You are either a troll or an idiot.


Haha wait. Are we going to find out Trump's true weight? Instead of whatever he's lied about? Lol! Can't wait

16 more...

The googlers i know spend a lot more time than I'd expect on performance reviews. Not really on like... Doing shit. Just reviewing and selling what little is done to get that next pay bump.

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Call it what it was: Terrorism

Lol. Imagine watching Trump during covid and then thinking "exactly what we have right now". What a trash take.

Oh. I guess your username is accurate! Well!

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Have they considered releasing another hard to hold glass slab exactly like the previous one?

We've selectively sampled like 5 metrics and carefully confused population averages with the median and can confidently say: yachts are more affordable. QED you're wrong.


At least two dozens of us

NeArLy ZeRo

"15% corporate minimum tax

A critical provision applies to most U.S. corporations that earn more than $1 billion in profits. While under current law, these firms are subject to a 21% corporate tax rate, many pay less or no federal tax. Under this change, a new minimum 15% tax would apply based on annual income posted in a corporation’s financial statement, rather than the corporation’s taxable income, effective on January 1, 2023. "

Definitely the same as Trump's tax cuts. Lol. Fucking ignorant trash.

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I'm gonna defend meta here so hold with me for a bit.

Moderating bad actors is now impossible. They can, and do, produce so much content that any level of moderation is too expensive; even for meta. The scale of idiots to non idiots is biased heavily towards idiots. A slightly different version of "a lie can travel around the world before the truth gets their pants on".

Meta, Twitter, google, will not save us from the bad actors. Even if they committed millions to the effort. Nor are they willing to risk litigation from the idiots in the GOP. So guess what? The only sustainable practice for them is to block.

The fact that this will prevent dissemination of legit info from the government and professionals is a problem society created by falling into the tolerance "paradox" trap.

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ISO-8601 only

UTF-8 only

UTC only

Oh and more self hosting. Clouds are expensive and unnecessary for some stuff.

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My cat has a better grasp on economics than you do. Oh and my cats are rescued from Russia.

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I'll just stick them together.

Signed, a Scala programmer.

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The 9 dash line has the same energy as trump trying to sharpy a different path for a hurricane. Sad, desperate energy.

Their "big gains" are pretty much just standard of living increases they should have already received. Is it really winning then or just no longer losing as hard?

Edit: My comment above sounds negative on their accomplishment. Not what I intended. I'm just upset this was even required. Them achieving proper compensation now does not make up for the past decades of being underpayed IMO.

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Party of law and order /s

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Specifically the operation of removing a file from a path without requiring the file to be unused. Open references to the file can still exist by processes.

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The original Dune movie

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“The missiles landed in the Gulf of Aden approximately ten nautical miles from the ships,"

Yeah... Not concerned at all.

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Observation selection bias is an easy one the GOP likes to take advantage of. Eg: not testing for covid to show covid went down.

Also: drone strike civilian casualties.

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"Portillo and another administrator met with Vassar on Oct. 30 to discuss his mental health, along with school board matters. After leaving, he sent them emails with a total of 93 pages of comments, some of them profane."

Ah yes. That'll definitely prove you are mentally stable.

My brother laser jet still happily prints.

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Cost is not the immediate issue: time is. The ammo required takes time to manufacture. Russia is not going to wait.

Whether that justifies cluster ammunition no idea. An audit would be enlightening for sure. Unfortunately, none of that results in ammo where it's needed right now.

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"It opened and collapsed on Sept. 14, 2018. " ouch

Their only "solution" is whining and ignorance.

"I could have payed for it" said the thief.

"Oh I guess you're innocent then" said nobody

Edit: grammar (but would an idiot thief use proper grammar?)

Haha get fucked Kari

Way too short to be a real C++ error. Needs a few more pages of template gibberish.

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Remove all military assets and troops from Texas.

For profit healthcare is impossible. Fundamentally conflicts with the goals of healthcare. Sooner we realize this and accept the consequences the better.

We've created an economy where that is not sustainable.

This fact is bad imo, but it's where we are.


Yeah... I think they're dreaming that. So I'm personally concerned.

Windows is LLP64 which is dumb while Linux is LP64.

Ok. That only impacts C/C++ porting but still it's a silly choice by windows.

Given how easy it's been to prove you wrong with actual events. Pretty clear you're in an echo chamber of your own.

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Right? This is so strange. If an earthquake alert is so vital for the country then, well, don't rely on the "generosity" of a for profit company.

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The bill actually needs to get to his desk first...

No fan of Russian leaders but their engineers are great. Hope they can figure out the issue and avoid the political drama.

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I use Scala. Huge fan. Both for work and personal projects. Not wildly popular, so i get asked this by my team. This is what i tell them:

Focus on the patterns, design and theory. Those last longer than the language. What is enabled by language? What is difficult? What does the type system let you prove? How do you utilize the type system? How does the execution of the language work? What is the runtime like?

Language development itself has evolved. There is no longer a huge jump from one language to another because, well, we've figured out a lot of it. Want to learn rust? The patterns and concepts you learn with Scala will still apply. Go? Same, just a different form and you'll probably be asking about monads in short order. :)

If i look at future trends. Real far stuff. Stuff that will only become popukar years from now. Well, some of it exists now in esoteric languages. Those languages wont be useful for jobs, but studying them now preps you for the future.

Elixir is further future than Go. Go, like Java was, is not particularly novel but a very solid implementation of what we currently know.

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I figured he was going to be killed but my bet was on the old "fell from a window"