Local pop radio station is using its metadata to spread anti Biden propaganda

Yuper@lemmy.world to Mildly Infuriating@lemmy.world – 894 points –

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My cat has a better grasp on economics than you do. Oh and my cats are rescued from Russia.

Healthy economies do not have skyrocketing credit card debt, skyrocketing car repos, less savings, increasing evictions, and people losing their homes because of unaffordable housing. If the exact same conditions were happening under a GOP, WH liberals would be in an uproar, but since BlueMAGA is running the show they went to brunch while the world burns.

Yeah, it's a really big mess that needs to be fixed. Thanks Reagan.

Cant fix it by electing the same people that are extensions of Reagan. Biden is Reagan's 12th term

I didn't vote for Biden in the Primary, but he was definitely the best option in the general.

I'll take a little progress over a lot of fascism any day.

You were not provided an option, he was selected by the party and forced on everyone

I agree. I felt the same about Hillary Clinton.

But I'm not going to put a wannabe tyrant in office just because the options aren't as good as I'd hope.

Because the tyrant allowing an ethnic cleansing is the better option? Dem voters should be demanding other options from their party instead of them insisting everyone else support their hand picked candidate.

Best option, no. Better option? Absolutely. I'd rather turn a blind eye to war crimes on the other side of the world than support committing them here.

I get what you're trying to say, and for the most part, I agree with you, but shitting on everything that isn't perfect isn't going to make ANY progress.

That's all been happening for decades, dude. Literally wtf are you talking about?

What policies have Republicans presented to address those issues besides cutting taxes for the rich and cutting social programs that support working families?

Ignore what's happening now to strawman the other side.

What strawman?

You're saying the things that are happening now, which are not new (or explain how they are) are the result of legislation/policies implemented by Democrats, right? I'm saying that is false and ridiculous.

I asked a simple question: what policies have Republicans proposed that would fix the issues you're concerned about? Don't worry, I'll wait.

Republicans are your strawman. No one expects them to do anything because they are garbage too. The Biden administration is trying to gaslight us into prosperity. They claim we are doing well, when the hard data shows the opposite. The data showed months ago that higher prices are a result of corporate greed, the WH is still trying to claim its supply chains. They keep talking about low unemployment as if that implies wages are up. Cutting 220k full time jobs and creating 150k part time jobs is not progress.

You're just talking past me/to "hear" yourself go on. That's not how you have a productive discussion.

I agree with many of your points but I think you have a warped perspective of what I'm saying. Either way, this conversation feels unproductive.

Good luck! Keep fighting the good fight

Which of those things weren't happening under Trump?

They were happening under Trump, but have accelerated in the last year.

Evidence, please.

It's not anyone's responsibility to educate someone else. If you had a vested interest in these topics you would already know.

That's not how the burden of proof works. It's not my job to prove your claims are not lies.

When proof is provided to shitlibs they always deflect to Republicans, or Sinema, Manchin, or some other rotating villain. Anything to deflect from their fascist POS.