Rockstar's Game Design is Outdated to – 49 points –
Rockstar's Game Design is Outdated

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"degenerates?" Really? Are you 14 years old? We can use other words that aren't neo nazi rhetoric, thanks.


GTA doesn't have that so I made up my own scenarios.

Congrats. You're playing a sandbox game how it was meant to be played.

Since when have sandbox games stories?

I can tell from these 6 words the only game with a semblance of sandbox elements you can think of is Minecraft.

Since GTA 3.

GTA is both a narrative series and a sandbox game series but is primarily a sandbox series. In every GTA game you can just do whatever you want once you get past the first 1 or 2 boxed-in missions. I think GTA V is the one that takes the longest to get you going.

Yea my brain can't comprehend any other game, please enlighten me Mr. Right. Sheesh, get off your high horse.

since Grand Theft Auto. The story missions were always designed to tutorialize the sandbox. They just started getting a lot of attention for being better stories than you usually get from AAA action games, especially in the ‘00s.