
1 Post – 324 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don’t understand why this is relevant. But, to answer your question, a modern system should already be on systemd

Dear lord...I will try to read the rest but you are not off to a good start. What has modern to do with systemd?

I am not sure I understand what you mean by:

Consider checking up on where Wayland, systemd, PipeWire, PulseAudio etc first appeared; so on which particular distro. Are you referring to use those packages as default? Afaik Fedora OS is not even rolling release, so I cannot fathom how it has packages earlier than the typical bleeding-edge candidates. Fedora Atomic Why are you mixing Fedora Atomic with the regular Fedora Distro? It’s also the most mature attempt. Derivatives like Bazzite are the product of this endeavour. From the OG distros, only openSUSE (with its Aeon) has released an attempt. However, it seems to be less ambitious in scope and vision. ...how is something like this objectively valid? I understand you like Fedora, but you make claims without any proof or just pure opinion based.

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systemd, dbus, and polkitd. If any one of those components are misconfigured, you risk an unauthorized user gaining root privileges.

Just for my own understanding, if any of those are misconfigured, do you not anyway have a big security problem already, regardless of run0?

Fedora has no selling point at all besides being similar to RHEL.

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How does that contradict what I wrote? I even mentioned RHEL...

Not written in rust, yuck! 😆

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Alpine was never meant as a desktop distribution.

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custom windows that rarely gets update...

sounds like an amazing idea.

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Just found this too, through the rust post some days ago...but its quite obvious that from a usability context that btop is easier to use. With bottom you have to memorize all hotkeys wheres btop is showing them right in the interface.

If a game doesn't work on linux, I don't buy/play it until it does. End of story. There is plenty of choice and time is limited, so having an extra filter is just helpful.

a gun to the head

You probably never used fish shell.

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I dont understand, give context, who is binex-dsk and why should I care?

More upvotes needed.

They are faster and more efficient for most basic file operations.

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Its the best distro for gaming. Valve is using it, rolling distro.


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One of the most interesting games shown, besides Wilds.

Best pw manager.

I don't understand this topic. What are you trying to say?

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Better documentation for any distribution not called Arch. Better bugtrackers for all major projects? (KDE, Thunderbird etc)

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We need more GUIX here. Not using the distro but really interested in knowing more about it. Hype seems to be solely focused on NixOS lately.

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If not, why?

I mean, how much money is Adobe investing in Photoshop? Also I am really curious about GIMP really as bad as you and others here describe it as... I have the feeling people expect a carbon copy of Photoshop where they can use their brain imprinted workflows to achieve the exact same results. This of course is just asking for failure. You rather have to get used to GIMPs (any other FOSS program) workflows and see if you can achieve similar results and decide if the increased time spent worth it, to use a software which is free and open source or not.

Okay, thanks for clarification. really didn't get it. :D


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Can you provide more details on why you were forced to reboot so regularly?

Maybe windows rules will now work properly instead of being buggy and delete themselves...fingers crossed Imho KDE is too big, there are so many cogwheels they miss the opportunity to actually polish each and every aspect.

e.g. why does KDE need a specific videoplayer?

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what kind of support mate? jesus I hate this argument. As if publisher do anything out of the ordinary to provide linux compatbility. All the work was done by valve already or is still being done.

Is this question going to arise every month?

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Still the best action-rpg. :D

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MPV, although you could also have used it on windows already. Also freetube, you can also combine those two with a little bit of internet search.

I couldn't disagree more! Package managers are actually the only thing which differentiates distributions by a large margin. Syntax should be intuitive, download/updates fast and reliable. Also when watching git repositories for new software alternatives, you e.g. see often packages for good package managers, whereas you need to go some extra mile for "stable" package managers.

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flash android phone = putting another OS on it? I use grapheneos, installed from my linux tumbleweed.

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I am long-time Tumbleweed user and it really boggles my mind how something like this goes past "quality control" and "testing".

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Using a tiling wm and wanting to move windows around? 🤨

I totally agree being a contrarian outcast, but not because of what I commented earlier. Why would I use flatpak thunderbird when there is version in my repos which just needs to be updated?

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Misinformation 101?

Has somebody a proper comparison with BTRFS and why somebody who is using BTRFS should look into bcachefs?

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I heard the opposite, that guille is easier to learn than NixOS language.

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nice malware