superfile - A pretty fancy and modern terminal file manager to – 517 points –

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Not written in rust, yuck! 😆

Go is pretty cool, better than R

Why would you even compare Go with R though?

Because R would be weird for this use case hence Go being better for it

But why bring it up at all? Nobody said anything about R so why make that comparison?

Why dismiss all languages that aren’t rust?

R and rust are two completely different languages...

You didn’t seem to understand my question

Dismissing all but Rust is a joke

Saying Go is better than R at things R isn’t used for is a joke because it’s obvious and someone doing this in R would just draw the question of why even though they could

How else is it going to fit inside of 25kb? Can they even make rust executables under 1GB?

Not sure where you got the 25kb number from.

This tool is written in go and is a 7.8 MB compiled binary.

Oh wow, a text based file manager is that big ? That's half of my openwrt router's memory

Because it's a statically compiled binary, it tends to grow the size of the binary. Increases portability though.

Did you mean 1MB? With correct settings, you get under 1MB Rust binaries and with even more compression using upx it gets to 300KB, probably less for much simpler applications. Rust applications aren't that big of a deal as people make it to be; within reasons off course.

The one issue I have with Rust apps is how much memory they need to compile (depending on the app ofc). I could not install Pika Backup from AUR on a laptop with 4 GB of RAM for instance because the compilation would run out of memory. It's one case where I was glad flatpak is an option.