
1 Post – 311 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Yup, owner of a 11 year old tarantula at this point. Their blood also doesn't clot so your best bet in the case of an injury is super glue and prayers to whatever entity you prefer. It's one of two reasons why I don't like handling her, they're more fragile than you think.

Joining an instance that has defederated from them should alleviate that problem.

You can block Instances that like those, or switch to and instance where the admins do it on an instance level.

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The matrix admin group or a different one?

Surprised it wasn't woodworking

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Bergen, or is there a Scottish city that has more rain?

From a Norwegian point of view, once someone has served their time, they've served their time and should be encouraged to get back into society. Freezing people out of society will only cause harm, and push them towards anti social behavior.

The US model of punishing criminals is clearly proving to do more harm than good, so why would you push for that model even further?

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Is it really tempting for people? They've given me too many headaches when I've had to reformat or add functionality to files.

Unless it's a simple single use script that fit on the computer screen, I don't feel like global variables would ever be tempting, unless it's for constants.

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Meanwhile in Norway every citizen can look up any other person's tax returns. Income and fortune all neatly presented on a government website.

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Never used a US keyboard in my life. Why would you think US keyboard is the norm?

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Getting the vibe that OP is being serious while using a template supposed to be ironic.

Seems odd to be angry about game graphics progressing. Imagine how it was during the 90s.

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This is one of the parts GOG are doing way worse than Steam. Even with a 1GB limit I still have to constantly remove save files from Pathfinder WotR to make it fit inside the cloud sync. 200MB is ridiculously small.

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All Tesla will achieve is destroying their reputation. Going after our unions is a boneheaded idea that will never work.

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We use manual approval for programming.dev accounts where there is a very simple instruction you must follow to be approved. The amount of spam that fails that test makes me concerned about the amount of bots from instances without any barriers for account creation.

What happens on reddit (in regards to spam) will inevitably finds its way to ActivityPub link aggregators like lemmy.

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That's because X means absolutely nothing. It's a letter commonly used to fill in blanks. It's an awful name for any company/brand.

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Instances will come and go.

I would like to hear more about what the limitations of ActivityPub are that you feel justifies taking away all the federated lemmy content from your users though.

Speaking as an admin, the only thing I view as my responsibility is removing spam/scams and making sure the instance is running and improving. Taking away/moderating what our users can see is something we want to avoid as much as possible (as long as it doesn't break instance rules of course), so what your team is discussing sounds quite radical.

Looking forward to the day I can just copy paste the Silmarillion into a program and have it spit out a 20 hour long movie.

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The name of the website is a play on the satire website the onion, it's satire.

Didn't cover my ears when I was at an air show when a f-16 flew by. My ears have been ringing ever since. Was ~11 years old at the time.

Most people are anti genocide at the very least. The only person that I personally know that has vocally supported Israel was part of the political party FRP (think wannabe republicans/Trump supporters).

Genuine question here, which words are slurs? Crazy narcissist?

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Each time I check the r/totalwar subreddit, there seem to be another PR fuckup from CA. It's really sad considering they were peaking just a few years ago with TWW2. Stopped maintaining my mods due to it.

Here's all of Switzerland's high level nuclear waste for the last 45 years. It solid pellets. You could fit the entire world's US' waste on a football field.

It's not the greatest challenge mankind have faced.

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Chars are expensiv

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Heard somebody brush their teeth and prepare for bed as I was leaving for the gym today at 5am. Worst part is I'm not sure who it was as there are at least 3 people I live with that likes to roam the apartment at night.

It's not just about wage. You could have great pay but terrible working conditions will discourage pilots from applying.

Never heard my retired uncle say a single good thing about his work as a captain for a commercial airline. Cheap tickets comes at a price.

In what bizzaro world did the witcher series fail to live up to expectations? The first one was a masterclass of atmosphere and had zero expectations, the second were just fine and the third one still is the gold standard for quest design in open world games.

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Firefox for android has supported ublock origin for ages

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one of the few remaining decent AAA developers

What? Rockstar have behaved like assholes for a long time

The new generation? I remember this stuff happening 15 years ago. People were camping outside before big game releases and had an incentive to ensure they got a copy of the game. The new generation that only buys digital is not to blame for the practice taking hold.

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Glad to see an european country taking steps to counteract the trend of larger cars.

The iphone

Microsoft's new phone were supposed to spell the end for it.

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In what way is it different from murder or non sexual assault? They're all inexcusable, and the offender should be locked up for x amount of time for rehabilitation. Around 4-16% of men in US college(seriously, wtf) commit sexual assault, you can't just brush them under a carpet hope it all sorts out.

Social isolation sounds like the worst possible solution if you want to stop repeat offences. Rather, they should learn how healthy social interactions work and where the line of personal space is drawn.

If the person wasn't convicted for rape, at what grounds should the company fire the person on, rumours?

And I don't think you can compare it to child molesters not being allowed to work with children. Women are ~50% of the workforce, you'll interact with them in nearly every work scenario. Your only option would be isolate a sizeable percentage of people from most jobs, with all the ramifications such a move would have.

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They'll probably work on another divinity game, but I'd love them trying out a game based on pathfinder.

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I'm sure Russia that can't even conquer Ukraine is more than capable of going to war against rest of NATO /s

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You're on /c/programming.

Could just as well have been a writing prompt community. It's just writing ANSI characters for the most part.

Also, it's even ISO standardized, so yeah, it's an international norm.

I'd wish something being ISO meant it's the norm, but that's just not the case. #ISO8601Gang

Pragmatically: most programming languages are developed in a way to that it's easy to type them up on a standard us layout. As English only has 26 letters, which is less than any other language using the latin alphabet (don't even start me on languages with accents like ñ or that differentiate between à, a, á, and â), all the special characters are usually easily accessible. Most others layouts will tuck them away behind non-trivial combinations in favor of improving accessibility of extra letters and special characters. Cuz essentially in human language you barely need * and [. So, I guess, right ctrl + left shift + 9 will do? how do you feel about coding in python on that. Or on a keyboard where the space for your | has been allocated to some letter ø and your OR operator has been moved to the numpad.

As a user of a keyboard layout with æ, ø, å, who also uses python daily, I can promise you that there are zero issues with it.

Most people will grow up with a keyboard layout designed for their native language's need. If it uses Latin characters, there should be minimal issues using it for programming too.

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Kirkbride got such a wild and interesting take on fantasy, it's a shame his influence on elder scrolls have diminished with time.

We haven't blocked Threads yet, but I haven't seen any content from it either. When exactly are Threads supposed to federate?

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Steam deck is just a PC going through a few hoops though.

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