YSK that chiropractors are not medical doctors and "Systematic reviews... have found no evidence that chiropractic manipulation is effective"

NataliePortland@lemmy.ca to You Should Know@lemmy.world – 1604 points –
Chiropractic - Wikipedia

"Systematic reviews of controlled clinical studies of treatments used by chiropractors have found no evidence that chiropractic manipulation is effective, with the possible exception of treatment for back pain.[8] A 2011 critical evaluation of 45 systematic reviews concluded that the data included in the study "fail[ed] to demonstrate convincingly that spinal manipulation is an effective intervention for any condition."[10] Spinal manipulation may be cost-effective for sub-acute or chronic low back pain, but the results for acute low back pain were insufficient.[11] No compelling evidence exists to indicate that maintenance chiropractic care adequately prevents symptoms or diseases.[12]"


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I wonder if it's a placebo effect. Like I go for a back massage every month or so and feel good for a few weeks but I'm fully aware it's just muscle pain relief and not some permanent fix.

Muscle pain relief is pain relief. I don't go to a chiropractor and I'm confident most of them are selling snake oil but I kinda view them as a next level masseuse.

If I were more comfortable with strangers touching me a massage might be nice. A chiropractor sounds like a next level up. I feel relief when I get a good back crack.

Massage therapy requires significantly more training than chiropractic does, at least in my area.

hey even if it is just the placebo if it still works and its not harmful who cares

That's the problem, chiropractors routinely injure and kill people.

I wasn’t mentioning chiropractors in specific, although I can see how it’d come across as such. I have no idea how safe or unsafe it is

Then you should educate yourself and never visit one if you value your well being. It's an incredibly unsafe practice. Ask any Orthopedic Surgeon how many near permanent injuries they've had to fix from a botched chiropractic adjustment.