Jerboa currently unusable for other people? to – 120 points –

For the past day or so every time I try to open Jerboa it just crashes immediately without an error message why. Is there any scheduled update/fix for Jerboa? I'd like to be able to browse on mobile again and really enjoyed the app while it was working.

-posted from my pc (only because I can't get the app to work)


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I found Summit later on, and it didn't work well for me.

Oh no :(. If you're up for it, I am open to feedback. You can send feedback either here or over at But if you don't want to I understand.

Well it was as laggy as the other apps, because of the update and the increase of signups. Also I found it difficult to navigate, to find the right buttons to push to access a certain thing. I know it's early days and I'm sure your app will improve in time, and I'll try it again later.