Israel orders Gazans to flee, bombs where it sends them

sousmerde{retardatR} to Not The – 441 points –
Israel orders Gazans to flee, bombs where it sends them | Reuters Video

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Oh look... the Genocide Denial Brigade has decided to show up.

Sorry to interrupt your circle jerk with disagreement that leads to actual discussion and debate

Oh... is the Genocide Denial Brigade a bit upset that people no longer unquestionably swallow your fascist propaganda?

Do you need some copium? I'm sure Ben Shapiro will sell you some in bulk.

Going ad hominem makes you seem like a petulant child

Going white supremacist apologist makes you a white supremacist.

You’re making things up. DarkGamer has said nothing even remotely “white supremacist”.

Bringing in accusation out of nowhere doesn’t help your position at all.

Oh look... another one of Ben Shapiro's copium clients.

Buying en masse, too?

Why don't you go ahead and explain to the rest of us why the person you are defending is running interference for a white supremacist settler-colonialist state, then?

What is “running interference” exactly?

Is that a phrase you understand, or just something you like to copy because it sounds grown-up?

So now we have hasbara running interference for other hasbara? Should I take that as a sign of the times?

I guess the job security down at the shill farm isn't looking as good as it used to, eh?