now that we have lost f-droid as well, are there some good clients that allow you to install foss apps? to – 25 points –

The only one that know is obtainium, but from what i understood it only fetches the latest version of an app and it doesn't even check if it gets installed correctly.

I'm also i'm concerned about the safety of the apks; i know that trusting the f droid repo isn't any safer than trusting the builds from the dev, but it would be nice to know if there is any way to check other than checking the code by hand.


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I use neo store but it's just a f-droid client. We haven't lost f droid yet, by what I can figure out theres one guy taking leadership of the main repo but there's other repos anyway like issyondriod and you can still use that repo not like it's broken Also obtainium is only really useful for prereleases of apps cos often they aren't on f-droid

There's not a guy taking leadership since in practice he had it anyway all along. A bunch of other people decided they wanted it too, and the formal project structure said they were supposed to get it, but he wasn't willing to share from what I can tell. So some of the others quit.

In a corporation where people are getting paid, obviously that would be intolerable since those who sign the checks make the rules. In a volunteer project where one person is doing most of the work and others seemingly try to interfere, it's more complicated and this kind of stuff happens in FOSS projects all the time.

So, idk what will happen but as an outsider I'm ok with just waiting for a while and hoping things work out.

I tried using obtainium but it doesnt'work on android 14, and izzy and the other repos don't have the apps i use, guess it's time for manual installs again...