How to rip a dvd (probably also works with cds, etc) on gnu/linux (probably also works on other *nix systems such as macos and openbsd)

gun/ to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ – 46 points –
  1. Plug in the dvd

  2. Run lsblk to see if it got detected

  3. Run dd if=/dev/cdrom of=dvd.dvd status=progress

  4. You can now play the ripped dvd using mpv: mpv dvd://0/dvd.dvd

If you need to get rid of digital restrictions management, you can try this guide


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  • MakeMKV (get it on flathub, easier than building from source) and the beta key from their forum.
  • Dump the entire disc into a directory.
  • Use mkisofs -udf -allow-limited-size -input-charset "utf-8" -V "your_disc_title" -o output_name.iso source_folder/

Edit: Fixed command typo and added flathub.