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Joined 1 years ago

What even is a small Jumbo popcorn chicken?

Might be shichi

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What I find particularly interesting is that the Confederacy only existed for 4 years, meaning to run around with an Obama flag would more historically relevant than this shit.

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Probably. But it's not as bad as I was addicted to Reddit. In some sense Lemmy has helped me though to get rid of that addiction.

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To be fair. That's the Christmas market on the Altmarkt in Dresden and there's a huge parking garage right below it. 😄

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Assert dominance. Create a third one.

The lack of ways for cooperations to gather information about internet users.

"Satellites block God's ability to watch us"

The omniscient, omnipotent god is defeated by a piece of space trash? What a rip-off.

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*joins FOSS network and wonders why people talk about FOSS*

You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

Intel says the rebranding “better aligns to customer requests” to simplify its processor names

But it doesn't simplify the processor name!? Instead of i5, we now have to say "core 5" or "intel core 5".

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I'm pretty sure Hitler was not the last German to fail art, so I'll take my chances.

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I'm sorry I have to ask. Are there really landlords that expect a tip?

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  1. Cat
  2. Cat
  3. Cat

If you say Debian's and OpenSUSE's package manager are too complex for you, I can tell you that NixOS' package manager is definitely not for you.

Well... Not anymore I don't

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Your i3 is too old. Perhaps your distro's repository has a package called "i3-gaps" which was the former fork that implemented this feature. i3-gaps was merged back into i3 in the meantime.

Since i3 4.22, you can configure window gaps.

My best guess is they want to fight against adblockers next and can't have people easily switch to a 3PA and avoid ads this way.

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He looks to the left and has a green hat. How much more political do you want?

None of what's visible helps identifying the error. Try journalctl -xb as suggested it might show more relevant information

Edit: oops should've been joirnalctl instead of journal

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Seems to me like the reason for this is that most indoor rooms are expected to be scentless in the first place. People might also look at you funny for stating out of the blue that a room is well lit. On the other hand if I enter a barn and there is no scent at all, saying it would not be that weird.

"Simon says, the defendant must plead guilty"

I'm going with neither.

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"INStallINg VirtUalBOx is hARd" is quite a statement when you choose like the most difficult way to do it...

"first sightings of viruses that we have never seen before."

This can hardly be the first ones. I'm pretty sure there were other sightings of viruses never seen before. 😬

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Nix installs derivations into separate folders. A derivation can be a package, but can also be other things like configuration files, scripts or sources for packages. Nix doesn't distinguish between these derivations by a name but rather by a hash created from their build instructions.

For example two instances of the same package with a different version are two different derivations and thus nix can have both package versions installed without them interfering with each other. But this goes beyond just a package version. It is e.g. possible to have the same package with the same version but different patches applied, or relying on different versions of dependencies. Since their build instructions differ both can be installed simultaneously.

This approach grants a variety of advantages. For example upgrading your NixOS system just installs new derivations of packages and configuration files that have changed, while keeping previous derivations until they're garbage collected at a later time. This allows you to switch freely between both iterations of your system, for example if an update causes issues you can just revert back to before an update easily. Another advantage is that an unprivileged user can install packages they need without interfering with the rest of the system, for example an older python version or a newer one, or some software they want but the system does not provide.

The price of having this kind of isolation between packages is that nixos cannot install binaries and libraries into common locations. Effectively /usr/bin only contains the env binary. If you're familiar with shell scripting you might have run into lines such as #!/usr/bin/env bash. This env util will essentially search bash in your PATH variable and start it. Lines like #!/bin/bash however will not work, because there's no bash installed in that location.

Another case where a missing fhs is a problem is when using pre-compiled binaries. In contrast to binaries built through nix, which have their required libraries hardcoded as absolute paths, pre-compiled binaries you download usually only contain the name of the library they need, which works in a conventional fhs environment, because these libraries tend to be found in /libor /usr/lib. On NixOS neither of those are present. There two solutions to this. Either you create an fhs environment by listing the set of derivations to be symlinked into a chroot environment which mimics an FHS. Or you can install which automatically finds the required libraries the nix way if you start such a binary. There's also steam-run which installs an fhs with most of the dependencies necessary to start Linux games from Steam.

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"Back then we really had to work"

It's fascinating to me that for the past 37 months and 7 days at least one person per day has written a note there. Like even on Christmas and New Year's Eve at least one person thought this experiment should continue.

Lol that's rather anti copyright laws if anything.


Simple: money.

Dang it. It's even worse.

Why would the FTC even use Signal for communication?

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I think for them to stop being assholes they'd need to feel the tiniest bit of empathy first and if the last year of relentless cruelty has shown us anything the Russian government has no empathy whatsoever.

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This. The core principle of intuitive UI is reusing ui elements that are familiar. That's the reason every elevator has buttons, and that's why you can intuitively operate every elevator you encounter.

The problem is that not everyone is familiar with the same things. Many people of older generations (those that have stopped keeping up with technology) are used to buttons, that's why a blue text doesn't immediately mean clickable to them.

On the other hand there's no right click on phones so younger generations that are familiar with phone UIs may not immediately come to the conclusion that there's more options when pressing the other mouse button on a desktop computer.

Probably. The "core" name is too close to the old "Core2Duo/Quad" names anyway.

Convoluted name and a lot of null bytes? Sounds like a temporary file used during downloading.

Not really a question, is it?

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Looks more like Cocaine horsey to me

security violation

Try disabling secure boot in the BIOS settings.

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I've been opening it daily and I thought duo was just tired of my bad Japanese...