Zombie MMO The Day Before's player count drops 75% despite a day one patch

nanoUFO@sh.itjust.worksmod to Games@sh.itjust.works – 168 points –
Zombie MMO The Day Before's player count drops 75% despite a day one patch

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The way you said it yes. Look at my reply I did not say "even" which made the statement negative. Please quote me properly.

Perfect encapsulation of my point.

Apologies for misquoting you, but the correct quote is equally disingenuous and your attempt to turn my reply into an attack on character instead of answering the question is exactly why you're being downvoted.

You come across as a person who looks for the negative in everything and doesn't actually want to engage but rather make yourself feel superior, but that generally doesn't work outside of traditional social media. I bet you're a joy to work with /s. Have a good day.

You misquoted me. Are you saying it was wrong to defend myself? You seem to only see negative in a lot of statements. My original statement was straight and to the point. How would you ask someone? Or would you choose not to know and just try and wing it?

What are you defending yourself from? No one's attacking you... you asked me why I felt your comments came across that way and I replied. The misquote changes nothing, you still wouldn't ask someone if English is their first language and ignore the comment, to suggest so is clearly ingenuous.

Like I said, you come across as someone who sees the negatives. It looks to me like you think everyone is attacking you and are therefore responding defensively, which then comes across as aggressive.

To answer your question, how would I ask someone? I wouldn't, it's obviously irrelevant, as is this discussion at this point.

As I said, have a good day.

From being misquoted and taken out of context. I have several times asked that question. I worked on night shift for years with Mexicans and Brazilians. Hell I use to ask that question in Spanish and was part of my job to help translate when the supervisor was out. All I am getting from this is people don't want to understand each other and just want yes men. What is the point of coming to a social website if people are not social?

Yea, everyone down voting you is wrong, you're the only person who is right. Do you not see the irony?

As for your question, what is the point of coming to a social website if people are not being social? In my opinion (and I'd assume a fair chunk of the people down voting you) everyone else is being social, you're coming across as being anti social.

I do not change the way I talk. My comments on other sections of Lemmy are doing fine. Only this one post and section of Lemmy appears to have issues. To say the least next time I post anything hear I will have to change my grammar and syntax to reflect more positive emotions. I am asking questions and edited my old replies to get feedback. Maybe it's a generational thing or cultural difference. Hence why I ask questions. I am from the North East, US and in my late thirties. I am just trying to get to the root of the issue. Where is the context. Who made the statement negative now? Why can I ask the same thing some where else and not have a issue?

You got a negative response from me because you asked me a question, I gave a fair response and you got shitty. It's not that hard to understand, if you're rude to people then eventually they'll be rude back.

Re cultural or generational issue, oh come off it mate, if you ask for feedback and then attack people who give it to you, then what do you expect? For reference I'm also 30's, UK. Nope it's not that, you're just needlessly rude.

Define shitty? Please explain. I honestly don't understand. UK is it true those who insult each other are more friendly? If true that is a cultural difference right there.

No. Feel free to read my previous comments back, there isn't anything else to add at this point.

Re the cultural differences, I'm not sure why you think that's relevant, but no. Stop being insulting (and slightly Xenophobic)