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Joined 1 years ago

Time to find Netflix ads next to neo Nazi posts...sure glad I got rid of Netflix.

Not just Google. Duck duck go was good for awhile but now also getting worse. Assume this is Ai and other tools screwing with how their web crawlers collect data. Expect it to get worse before it gets better.

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The amount of compium I see in people is scary. This was the warning. Next time could be so much worse and all I see are adults who just act like children. *EDIT Had to add so many people I use to even respect. Once they were told to many times what to do had adult temper tantrums. Acting straight out weird.

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Not just Reddit every website I go to now I see this. Even on official game forums like World of Warcraft. Using to promote content or advertise in a way that tries to be organic.

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If you put any of these things on your wifi add them to your parental control settings that most routers have. Restrict what it can access and what times it allowed to connect to the internet.

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Doesn't fully delete. I was still able to find old comments. It gets rid of most. Also reddit is known to restore deleted posts and comments now. Week after I deleted everything was restored automatically.

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Don't forget reposting like crazy.

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Don't mind the prices as long as the quality is there. All of the fast food chains in my area have tanked in quality. Except for Five Guys.

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Yearly inspection laws need to be passed. Where the government forces landlords to actually do work and keep everything up to code.

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Remember when Obama had a different color suit and they all collectively flipped their shit

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The best employees in my office went to State and Community college. The worst are the Ivy League ones who can't pass a single test outside of college. The second worst are those given jobs way outside their skills or degree. Then not required to take training. I would take a no degree cert over a degree in wrong field any day.

Elon saw how much Alex is making from his "rare earth mineral supplements" and said shit I want in. Alex lost everything in his divorce and got banned from every major platform and all it did was increase his store sales. Hell Elon is most likely asking for advice.

Can't wait to find out it is just a software or hardware throttle and with a simple fix get full speed. The small repair shops still going to be busy.

Most likely those "Mega" Churches. If you post proof or call it out watch yourself get spam reported. I have gotten reported and temp banned when the bots abuse the automated systems. I know a few devs and they are scared that they can't keep ahead of trying to ID and remove Ai like this.

Agree to debate only if they pass the border/Ukraine bill

I don't know natural disasters and war causing it to screw up also tends to worry people. Last time I checked wind and solar don't create massive damage to the environment when destroyed.

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Everyone will need a ID for online access... boooo....but for the kids...yeahhhhhh...will make the companies pay for it....fuck no all ISPs leave Florida and social sites block Florida. Florida is thrown back to dial up connections. Techs I know in Florida have gotten warnings if the law passes their company is leaving the state.

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Remember when Adam Conover covered it. So much bad karma with what was done to it.

A so the pyramid scheme continues....good?

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He is like Alex Jones. But instead of piles of random blank papers being "facts" it's the "data"

Central Massachusetts horrible near strep like sore throat for a week. Fatigue and shit ton of mucus with coughing. Lost my voice. Covid test negative. In last day energy came back and throat is tolerable. No fever. Aspirin and CBD helped a lot.*UPDATE Today 15th throat almost normal but now first time in my life mucus in my eyes.

Got prime when Grand Tour came out. Now that we get two episodes a year if lucky not worth it anymore. Get better service with Instacart for delivery anyway.

Watch Parts Unknown when he went to West Virginia. Heart of Trump country. For good and bad it helps explain why he is the pick again.

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At minimum the US could be a shield and help. Bring food and medical supplies as well as lifting out critically injured. You would also think if the US military was in there Israel would not be so reckless.

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I wonder what the simulation showed was going to happen compared to the actual flight. Would give you a real metric of progress.

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I started getting random muscle spasms and headaches. Finding out my magnesium levels were low. I saw in decade over decade it has drastically reduced in our food. Being how important it is to daily function it is scary what natural levels have dropped to.

I am sure that data won't be altered...or it will show the bare minimum effort had been taken. Well beyond functional and just for legal purposes.

And this is why many lie. Half the time they don't check anyway. But community college graduates always do better. Cheaper or free so no debt. Gets you in the door at most companies. Tend to be more skilled then ivy league graduates and more self driven.

Never forget back during height of pandemic Zoom was actually caught routing all data through China. Said oops mistake and giggled. Hey look Tik Tok is evil and connected to China...but how much more evil then Facebook?...uhh CHINA!!

From Boston to Worcester it is insane. Police are starting to chase away homeless and destroy their camps. It is like They Live out there. I feel like Mass is one bad day from riots.

I mean most play tests let you say nothing at all. So not sure if this is better or worse.

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Epic Games just showed how to fix this. Disney should sue them and gain the ability to install their own store. It is just a modified version of Android after all. If Elon doesn't like it then should create his own OS from scratch...

This combined with some reason all the rooms lights are on and at full blast. There is no air flow not even a breeze and you expected to remember every little thing. If you ask a question you get a grin and condescending attitude.

Heat up the tea add milk. Break up the crisps in a bowl with the tuna. Give a good mix add some olive oil. Season to liking and is just fine.

Not a what just the color black. Darkness makes me feel better. Though I am also photosensitive so that could be part of it.

It wont be a law cause they know it would fail in courts. They would do the same as with insurance companies leaving. We will start a investigation into this...and never hear about it again.

I didn't even mention tidal or geothermal. But how are any of those just as damaging? Nuclear waste is still a issue and again if it were attacked or destroyed would cause a massive ecological issue. Again last I checked destroying a wind, solar, tidal, or geothermal generator would not release radiation. Also the time to build one of those compared to a nuclear plant is a lot less last I checked.

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Assuming it is just whites and poor is not correct.

Food think that thing is cleaned enough when they refill it lol

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If they are Windows and have Bitlocker encrypt the whole drive and throw away the key. If not get Veracrypt for free and encrypt the entire drive. Once the drive is fully encrypted and has no backup key you can just trash it. If this was commercial use I would then send it to a third party to be certified destroyed.