Kernel 6.6.6 is out 😈 to – 836 points –

This is the update metalhead nerds have been waiting for.


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Six Six Six, The kernel of the beast.
Hell and fire was spawned to be released

Boards blazed and reviewed codes were praised
As they start to try, hands held to the sky
In the night, the coffee is burning hot
The commit has begun, Linus work is done

This can't go on, I must inform the Hurd,
Can this monolith be real, or just some crazy dream?
But I feel drawn towards the GPL-2,
Seem to mesmerize, can't avoid Tivoization!

I'm coming back, I will return
And I'll possess your daemons and make your CPU burn
I have ring 0, I have your cores
I have the power to make my evil take its course