Open source travel planner to – 46 points –

Hello, I’m planning a rather large trip later this year and have been searching for something to help me plan and organize. I’ve come across a few apps that are not exactly privacy friendly, like TripIt and Wanderlog.

Does anyone know of any self hosted or otherwise open source alternatives to these apps?


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I've been personally using KDEs Itinerary app, but it might not be what you're looking for

This is close to what I’m looking for, but won’t work on my iOS device while travelling. Can KDE apps live alongside a Gnome DE? I’ve never had a need to look into it.

Yes. They just won't look/work the same as the native Gnome apps. I select apps based on functionality, so I have a mix of both KDE and Gnome apps on my Gnome DE.

Gotcha, I’ll check that out.

Unless I can find something better I’ll just use a combination of Joplin and a spreadsheet for now, and maybe make a little self hosted solution as I figure out my own needs.